For 70 years, scientists have known that honeybees tell the other bees in their hive where the good nectar is by doing an elaborate bee dance. The dance of the honeybee is one of the most intricate communications in nature. But how can a tiny animal with only a few million neurons possibly possess all the information needed to carry it out? The answer: it may be a quantum dance.
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Quantum mechanics has been called “the skeleton in Albert Einstein’s closet,” because while he proposed the theory of relativity, which is the cornerstone of quantum mechanics, he thought that quantum laws were too random and said, “God doesn’t play dice with the universe.” But scientists have found out that He DOES.

Despite the fact that quantum physics is science at the extreme edge, a surprising number of modern technologies, some of which we use every day, have come from it?including computers and flat-screen TVs. Quantum physicist Fred Kuttner says, “Physicists can use quantum mechanics and calculate with it beautifully, but nobody understands it.”
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Ancient texts from India describe a scenario which sounds to us very much like a nuclear war. If this is true, some of the only evidence may have been made into jewelry.

In 1966, Veincenzo de Michele saw a strange yellow-green stone in the center of one of Tutankhamun’s necklaces, which were on display at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo at the time. It turned out to be made of glass?but a VERY SPECIAL kind of glass, that was older than the very earliest Egyptian civilization, around 5,000 years ago. Click here to see an image of the necklace.
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On May 4 on Dreamland, Whitley Strieber interviewed Starfire Tor, who claims many unusual experiences involvingdistortions of space and time. After the interview, Whitleyand Anne Strieber had a small one, which they more-or-lessattributed to being affected by the interview. But now theyrecently visited the Magic Castle in LosAngeles, a legendary magician’s club,with her and magician Brandon Scott. At the MagicCastle, Anne had an experienceof a ‘timeslip’ while actually with Starfire, and this oneis getting harder to deny. (For details about what happened,read Anne’s recent diary.) Starfire promised to investigate and now she HAS and these are the results of her investigation.
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