Microsoft thinks the recent computer worms were a terrorist attack. Now Peter Simpson, of ThreatLab, says that they were part of a plot by organized crime to take over the internet. He says, “This is the sixth in a series of controlled experiments. This isn’t about some kiddy writing viruses in his bedroom?this is really a very sophisticated example of organized crime.”

Will Sturgeon writes that Simpson fears that computer techs are so busy getting rid of the Sobig infection that they?ll “take their eyes off the ball” and ignore the real threat. And he thinks there are worse threats to come.
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We haven’t licked SARS yet, despite the news that a recent SARS-like outbreak in a Canadian nursing home was not caused by the SARS virus. Anthropologist Richard V. Lee says, “There’s going to be another SARS sometime; there’s no doubt about it.”

Laboratory tests show the virus responsible for the respiratory illness that recently affected 150 people is not SARS. “We have clearly found large sequences of the virus that are not present in the SARS coronavirus,” says epidemiologist David Patrick. This new virus looks like SARS and acts like a milder version of the disease, but is not actually severe acute respiratory syndrome.
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Russian scientists have announced plans to build a nuclear power station on Mars, and should have it up and running by 2030. These are the people who created the infamous Chernobyl nuclear power plant that blew up in 1986, releasing clouds of radioactive material that exposed Northern Europe to radioactivity 100 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb.

Artyom Liss writes for BBC News that the power plant is being designed to power a permanent Mars research station, which the Russians plan to build in a mountainous area of the planet. The problem is how to transport the heavy building blocks needed to build the plant. And which space shuttle is going to volunteer to transport the plutonium?
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Al-Qaeda has claimed they caused the recent blackout in the Northeast. But Elizabeth Baron who is a psychic, says, “No one will believe this but this is the work of a 15-year-old boy with the mind of a genius with the computer.”

She claims the boy lives in Canada and says, “He has studied so much about electricity and how it works across the country. As this happened, there was a stoppage when two men stopped that chain of reaction. If they had not intercepted, it would have gone all the way over to Oklahoma and all the way down to Florida. But this was not an act of terrorism but the act of a 15-year-old boy who did much of this without touching anything within a plant whatsoever.”
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