Test your brain power by taking the following tests and evaluating your results against others who have tested themselves as well. Find out if you have psychic or remote viewing abilities and see if you have a chance to win the lottery.

Card Test: This test is similar to the classic ESP card test, popularized from the 1930s to 1960s by Professor J.B. Rhine. You are shown the backs of 5 cards and asked to select one of them by clicking on the card. After the click, a card is selected at random and shown to you. Because the random selection is made after your click, this is a precognition test.
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Irritable male syndrome is a newly-recognized medical condition that turns confident, aggressive males into withdrawn, grumpy wimps. It?s caused by a sudden drop in testosterone, and affects men as well as animals, according to Gerald Lincoln of the Medical Research Council?s Human Reproductive Sciences Unit in Scotland.

The symptoms may resemble those of male menopause, but Lincoln believes the condition can affect men of any age when stress causes testosterone levels to suddenly fall.
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In recent years, the internet has been bombarded with fake UFO footage that is really simply out-of-focus shots of commonplace objects, such as bright stars and light bulbs. UFO investigator Tom King has analyzed some of these images and found that they do not stand up to examination by a knowledgeable videographer.

King says, ? The trick is the camera lens has to be out of focus and you need just the right illumination. Millions of people with these video cameras get these images on a weekly basis trying to tape things at night. Very few end up on internet websites as UFOs.? He shows examples of similar shots he?s made by adjusting the focus on his camera.
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Al-Qaeda?s attempts to acquire nuclear weapons may have been thwarted by Russian con men, according to the Pentagon.

After analyzing containers, computer discs and papers found in their deserted Afghanistan hideouts, intelligence officers found no trace of materials which could have been used to construct a nuclear bomb.

However, they did find some canisters painted with skull and crossbones that turned out to be harmless. The manufacture of the canisters was so crude that, had they been genuine, the sellers, as well as the terrorists, would have been exposed to dangerous levels of radiation just from handling them.
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