Mars holds vast stores of water ice right near the surface and away from the permanently frozen south polar ice cap, scientists say. This means it?s possible that life may have once existed on Mars or could still be there.

?There?s a lot of ice on Mars,? says William Boynton, who made the discovery. ?We really have a whopping large signal.? What he?s spotted is hydrogen, which is one of the components of water. Boynton and his colleagues believe there is actual water ice at the surface, as well as a few feet down.
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Radioactive fallout from Cold War nuclear testing exposed virtually everyone in the United States to potentially dangerous levels of radiation and contributed to about 11,000 cancer deaths, according to a study by the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The radioactive exposure contributed to a minimum of 22,000 U.S. cancer cases.
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The White House has set up a shadow government of about 100 senior civilian managers who live and work secretly outside Washington. This is the first time the ?Continuity Operations Plan? to ensure survival of federal rule after an attack on the nation?s capital has been activated.

The back-up government has been put in place in case al-Quada is able to bring a portable nuclear weapon into the U.S. Intelligence operators say they have no specific knowledge of such a weapon, but the risk is great enough to justify setting up the shadow government.
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The historical reality of the Koran and the Bible are under the most serious question in history, and both Moslem and Christian religious zealots are threatening scholars who dare to say that historical and archaeological reality depart from ‘revealed truth.’

In the March, 2002, issue of Harper’s Magazine Daniel Lazare offers an article updating the latest discoveries in biblical archaeology. Over the last 25 years, the belief that the basic story of the Israelites is historically true has been refuted by archaeological discoveries.
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