I am a moderate and normally pretty tolerant of both left and right. I think all of their ideologies are impractical. But I don’t like to be lied to, and when the entire conservative media establisment, plus a Tea Party congressman, are all spreading an outright lie like this, it is time to get worried about our democracy. We need to ask the same kind of questions this reporter did–but not Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or Drudge. Why not? They’d rather trash their enemies than tell the truth. Obama’s trip didn’t cost any $200 million a day. But I bought into the story and I was horrified. Now I feel like a sucker. Try $5 or $6 million.

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  1. I agree that such a lie is
    I agree that such a lie is unconscionable. However, Even 5-6 mill a day is a ridiculous expense for this country at a time when we are going bankrupt at every level. This trip serves no real purpose and our President needs to be seen at home attending to fixing this county, not gallivanting around the world

  2. Seeking truth for it’s own
    Seeking truth for it’s own sake–apart from agenda or ulterior motives? Parched travelers crossing vast wastelands of fear-warped ego and deception–come to this oasis and rest your weary feet.

  3. Pssqd: You honestly see no
    Pssqd: You honestly see no purpose in fostering stability and partnership in a region of the world where deeply rooted mistrust, nuclear weapons, terrorist and strategic resources exist in such close proximity?

  4. I ain’t never heard that you
    I ain’t never heard that you can make money without spending money…

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