Unknowncountry is not a political website, but in politically charged times like these, the site is being held to political account. So I’d like to outline exactly where it does stand.

As far as I am able to understand the aims of the visitor with whom I am in contact, it reflects those aims. Using my implant and given their frequent interactions with me, I think that I am providing here a reasonably accurate reflection of their positions. I do know that there is no other public person in the world with a relationship like this, which is verified both by the presence of the implant and the wealth of testimony from others about their own direct encounters with the visitors when at my cabin or elsewhere. This testimony, with named witnesses, is in my books and the video of the attempt to remove the implant is on my YouTube channel.

I must say that I now thank God that I followed Anne’s advice and didn’t persist in my attempts to have it removed. Over the 30 years it has been with me, I have gone from being horrified by its presence to accepting it to now using it as what has become an indispensable tool. without it, I could never have reached the depth of knowledge about the visitors or relationship with them that I have managed to reach. Even though it is just the surface, I am at least informed enough to know that.

It is no “tracking device” but rather a node in a breathtakingly sophisticated communications system. To have the use of it is a remarkable thing, and I am learning new uses every day.

One thing that it has done is to enable me to crystallize exactly what the visitors I am in touch say they want from us and what they say they are doing here. Now, I don’t have this in writing. I have it through the implant, and therefore it must always be to a degree held in question. But only to a degree. I believe that what I will say here is reasonably accurate.

First, they are indifferent to our various beliefs. They consider belief to be the lowest level of consciousness. In other words, they don’t care if we are left or right wing, centrists or whatever, and our religious beliefs are something they won’t interfere with. They do react with interest when one seeks toward a higher level, such as that of finding one’s inner teacher.

And this, in large part, is what Unknowncountry is about: we want to stimulate your curiosity and urge you toward new questions. This is why Dreamland and the Experience are as they are, and why our news section concentrates on real questions about the enigma of the universe.

In terms of human life, they have four areas of interest. The first is that people become aware that they have souls and that their souls are why they are here. The second is that we have as much freedom as possible, so that we can live life as deeply and richly as possible. The third is that we be good stewards of our planet so that we can continue to survive. This means that we must respect the needs of nature as well as our own, and balance the two. The fourth is that we help one another.

To me, this translates as follows:

1. Freedom means that we must encourage things like free speech and freedom of travel and enough personal wealth to enjoy life, and stand against dictators and those who would spread the cancer of dictatorship. But more than that, we need to find freedom in ourselves, which is the freedom to question our own beliefs and assumptions right down to their depths.

2. Soul-awareness means that we look inside ourselves on a regular basis, seeking both consciousness and the presence of the silent being within us, that is not our ego and not our dreams, but is the inner authority who decided in the first place that we should live this life and is hoping that we will fulfill the aim which motivated it to have a physical experience in the first place.

3. Being a good steward of the planet means respecting our environment and, as best we can, serving its needs. This has been central to my own life since I wrote Nature’s End in 1984. If we don’t have a planet, we are really in great difficulty and, to be perfectly frank, the visitors I am in contact with very much fear that we are going to lose Earth soon—that, in fact, it is going to cease to be habitable for us. Personally, I am absolutely dedicated to the survival of mankind–in fact, to an earthly future that is characterized by thriving at every level–a healthy Earth fertile with healthy creatures, including us.

As a brief aside, this is one of a number of things that the mysterious abductions were about. They were gathering a very complex and extensive DNA sample, rich enough to form the basis of a new species that could be adapted to another planetary environment. It was not a random process, but rather the individuals involved were carefully selected according to a group of criteria that included things like mildness of disposition, intelligence, the potential for open-mindedness and an absence of the genetic scarring that comes from emerging out of a history of violence or having it in one’s recent background. This is the why of the concentration in the Americas. Fewer people here exhibit genetic scarring from the European wars. (I refer here not to the violence of, say, child abuse, but to social violence such as war. I may be wrong about this, but my sense of it is that the deeper scarring comes from one’s ancestry than from one’s own life. Injuries sustained in life may heal in life, but those that are inherited as part of one’s genetic structure cannot be healed. I suspect that it is something that fades only slowly, with passing generations.)

There are many other criteria, not all of which I understand and some of which I’m sure I don’t know. But the process is now complete. Any abductions taking place now are a matter of filling in details.

4. Helping one another. I have understood that it is a sin to deny climate change, and as I have also seen what happens to souls that become infected with this disease, no matter that this website has lost half its readers because of our stance that it is real and an immediate, developing danger, I will never change anything or try to soft-pedal it to get those readers back. They are afraid and would prefer to believe a comforting lie than face a hard truth. That’s their privilege and also their misfortune, but also I hope that they are innocent in themselves. Fear has dominated their hearts. There’s no sin in that, surely.

I feel a much greater sadness for the souls of those who know the truth but spread the lie. They will not fare well when it really counts, which is when they are no longer in the physical world.

When you live in both worlds, as I do, you cannot imagine how much you want all souls to soar. It is a desire deeper than blood that your fellow man will ascend into ecstasy. You end up unable not to love every single person, even the cruelest and most terrible, even those who oppress you personally. You love all, without judgment and with much hope.

When you see the agony of souls that have broken themselves with greed and the other denials of “the right to thrive,” it is like seeing children whose clothes have been set alight. You want desperately to help them and would do anything for them even to your own peril—but you can’t. They’re unreachable.

On the other hand, when I see souls rising like Anne did, soaring up and up, I am so filled with the sheer joy of it that I go rushing with them as far as I can, then watch them go higher and am so glad.

So this is the politics of Unknowncountry. It is about the life of souls and the health of souls, and the continuation of man’s presence on Earth. It hasn’t anything to do with ideology. The fact that the fate of our planet has been made an political issue by some is among the most evil of all human acts, for it is going to lead to fantastic suffering.

I can do nothing about that, though. I have been disempowered by the very fact that I claim relationship with the visitors. I am without force in the larger world, a curse that oppresses me deeply, for I do have a blueprint that would preserve our planet and provide us with many future generations here.

It is my burden to know this and be unable to act on it beyond the little bit I can say here. My only response is to bow my head before the greater power that we all serve and come in my heart to shantih, the peace beyond all understanding.

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  1. Wow! This is a very powerful
    Wow! This is a very powerful entry. Unfortunately, more and more it looks like you are preaching to the choir. Those who are currently in power in our country dive deeper and deeper into the pool of greed and negativity. It’s terribly sad and frustrating to see the damage that the selfish ones are willing to do to this country(and the world!) And for what? It’s really little different than starting a nuclear conflagration just because you don’t agree with the leaders of a country. To hell with the lives of millions(billions)of innocent lives, “…we know best so just shut up…” I wish I had a sense that we could do something about this, because we don’t deserve this. Maybe Europe and Asia and Africa can get our “leaders”(I use that term very loosely) to reconsider. Hope it’s not too late. Looks to me that even if we get them to accept the dangers it is already too late. Sad.

  2. Wow! This is a very powerful
    Wow! This is a very powerful entry. Unfortunately, more and more it looks like you are preaching to the choir. Those who are currently in power in our country dive deeper and deeper into the pool of greed and negativity. It’s terribly sad and frustrating to see the damage that the selfish ones are willing to do to this country(and the world!) And for what? It’s really little different than starting a nuclear conflagration just because you don’t agree with the leaders of a country. To hell with the lives of millions(billions)of innocent lives, “…we know best so just shut up…” I wish I had a sense that we could do something about this, because we don’t deserve this. Maybe Europe and Asia and Africa can get our “leaders”(I use that term very loosely) to reconsider. Hope it’s not too late. Looks to me that even if we get them to accept the dangers it is already too late. Sad.

  3. One other point: You
    One other point: You reference genetic scarring ostensibly from European wars as making potential “abductees” less attractive to the Visitors’ program. If so, do you still see abductees with a higher than usual incidence of traumatic background(such as child abuse, sexual abuse and even extreme loneliness)? Is the genetic scarring more of a long term damage issue as opposed to the more recent and (hopefully)less extensive trauma of abuse survivors?

  4. One other point: You
    One other point: You reference genetic scarring ostensibly from European wars as making potential “abductees” less attractive to the Visitors’ program. If so, do you still see abductees with a higher than usual incidence of traumatic background(such as child abuse, sexual abuse and even extreme loneliness)? Is the genetic scarring more of a long term damage issue as opposed to the more recent and (hopefully)less extensive trauma of abuse survivors?

  5. Thank you for sharing this
    Thank you for sharing this with us, Whitley. I think it’s quite timely, and I think it’s self-evident from your observations that the visitors challenge us to embrace the better angels of our collective nature. I wonder how, if at all, disclosure (by the government or by the visitors themselves) will effect humanity’s vision of the four areas of interest you discuss above. Will enough people embrace the proof, once made, and use it as a catalyst for a broader vision of existence, one that transcends belief and ideology, so that we finally lead ourselves out of this spiritual dark age? Or is that simply too much to hope for?

    I sincerely hope that your statement that 2018 is the year that the visitors make their existence broadly known proves accurate.

  6. Thank you for sharing this
    Thank you for sharing this with us, Whitley. I think it’s quite timely, and I think it’s self-evident from your observations that the visitors challenge us to embrace the better angels of our collective nature. I wonder how, if at all, disclosure (by the government or by the visitors themselves) will effect humanity’s vision of the four areas of interest you discuss above. Will enough people embrace the proof, once made, and use it as a catalyst for a broader vision of existence, one that transcends belief and ideology, so that we finally lead ourselves out of this spiritual dark age? Or is that simply too much to hope for?

    I sincerely hope that your statement that 2018 is the year that the visitors make their existence broadly known proves accurate.

  7. Thanks for posting this
    Thanks for posting this statement, Whitley. I agree with all of your points, and I think many others would, as well. However, with politics, the devil is in the details. Still, I don’t want to get into debates on Kenynesian vs supply side economics here, or any other specific policies for that matter.

    It’s baffling to me that climate change became a political wedge issue. The denialist leaders who know better are scoundrels. The masses who are divided are another thing. I think that this is related to your point about belief.

    There seems to be division between faith/belief and empirical observation. Belief and confidence helps us get through tough times, but we also need flexibility to change beliefs as evidence warrants. On one extreme we have fundamentalists who are certain of their beliefs, which includes the belief that if they question their faith, then they might go to hell. On the other extreme lie materialists who call themselves skeptics and deny spirituality, psychic experiences, visitations and just about everything that hasn’t been confirmed in controlled scientific experiments.

    This is why I believe that soul awareness is a difficult obstacle to overcome. Yes, we need to be aware of spirituality and our souls. But, we need the freedom to explore spirituality and our souls without fear of retribution or condemnation. To this end, rituals seem to help, be they meditation, prayer, communal worship, or something else. Plus, we need to call things by name. Can we do these things without getting bogged down in dogma and inflexible strictures that hinder the progress soul awareness for ourselves and others? If so, then I think it might help us on the physical plane as well in discussing climate change and other critical topics.

  8. Thanks for posting this
    Thanks for posting this statement, Whitley. I agree with all of your points, and I think many others would, as well. However, with politics, the devil is in the details. Still, I don’t want to get into debates on Kenynesian vs supply side economics here, or any other specific policies for that matter.

    It’s baffling to me that climate change became a political wedge issue. The denialist leaders who know better are scoundrels. The masses who are divided are another thing. I think that this is related to your point about belief.

    There seems to be division between faith/belief and empirical observation. Belief and confidence helps us get through tough times, but we also need flexibility to change beliefs as evidence warrants. On one extreme we have fundamentalists who are certain of their beliefs, which includes the belief that if they question their faith, then they might go to hell. On the other extreme lie materialists who call themselves skeptics and deny spirituality, psychic experiences, visitations and just about everything that hasn’t been confirmed in controlled scientific experiments.

    This is why I believe that soul awareness is a difficult obstacle to overcome. Yes, we need to be aware of spirituality and our souls. But, we need the freedom to explore spirituality and our souls without fear of retribution or condemnation. To this end, rituals seem to help, be they meditation, prayer, communal worship, or something else. Plus, we need to call things by name. Can we do these things without getting bogged down in dogma and inflexible strictures that hinder the progress soul awareness for ourselves and others? If so, then I think it might help us on the physical plane as well in discussing climate change and other critical topics.

  9. I will be honest and say that
    I will be honest and say that I have been a reader of your books since Warday, listened to you at conferences and on the radio and have been a long time subscriber to Unknown Country.
    I have always been fascinated about your knowledge and experiences with the Paranormal and the Visitors. Politically I would be considered on the right/Libertarian side and sadly many who share my political beliefs are climate change deniers.

    I listened 20 years ago to you and Art discuss these things, read the Coming Global Superstorm and watched the movie The Day After Tomorrow. It was interesting but I will admit that I was skeptical.
    When you have discussed politics on the radio or the site I sometimes disagree with you. That said, why do people have to be “agree with you 100% or I’m cancelling” ?
    It’s so juvenile and short sighted !! I will also admit that what you and Art said would happen 20 years ago is happening now— if you have eyes you can no longer deny that the climate is changing–you were right and I was wrong.

    No why can’t the people who unsubscribed admit the same thing and rejoin ?

  10. I will be honest and say that
    I will be honest and say that I have been a reader of your books since Warday, listened to you at conferences and on the radio and have been a long time subscriber to Unknown Country.
    I have always been fascinated about your knowledge and experiences with the Paranormal and the Visitors. Politically I would be considered on the right/Libertarian side and sadly many who share my political beliefs are climate change deniers.

    I listened 20 years ago to you and Art discuss these things, read the Coming Global Superstorm and watched the movie The Day After Tomorrow. It was interesting but I will admit that I was skeptical.
    When you have discussed politics on the radio or the site I sometimes disagree with you. That said, why do people have to be “agree with you 100% or I’m cancelling” ?
    It’s so juvenile and short sighted !! I will also admit that what you and Art said would happen 20 years ago is happening now— if you have eyes you can no longer deny that the climate is changing–you were right and I was wrong.

    No why can’t the people who unsubscribed admit the same thing and rejoin ?

  11. Jimmy, the increasing
    Jimmy, the increasing tendency to toss the baby out with the bathwater is due to the inherent fragility of the beliefs being upheld–the defensiveness required to maintain them has become so great that *any* form of disagreement on any given issue is construed as an attack on the whole of that individual’s worldview. And in the deepening us-vs-them zeitgeist enveloping the world, such perceived deviations from dogma means that the heretic must be in bed with the enemy. Basically, this increased polarization is an indicator that the individual isn’t nearly as secure in their beliefs as they’ve led themselves to believe.

    The ability to branch out beyond the security of party-sanctioned “goodfacts” takes courage, and a lot of folks aren’t ready to give up that security blanket, and search for the facts themselves. It take a good deal of strength to accept what the “other” might be saying.

    I prefer to think that no issue or subject is actually political, but rather that they are deliberately politicized by politically-minded people. Climate change is a prime example: Nature doesn’t give a methane-laced cow burp as to whether one of her children are waving a red flag or blue flag, she’s just going to balance out her systems using methods that have been practiced for billions of years before we dreamed up our quaint little self-centered ways of creating artificial divisions between ourselves. And, as Whitley has pointed out here, the Visitors really can’t comprehend why we put so much stock in such pointless, and increasingly counterproductive, institutions.

  12. Jimmy, the increasing
    Jimmy, the increasing tendency to toss the baby out with the bathwater is due to the inherent fragility of the beliefs being upheld–the defensiveness required to maintain them has become so great that *any* form of disagreement on any given issue is construed as an attack on the whole of that individual’s worldview. And in the deepening us-vs-them zeitgeist enveloping the world, such perceived deviations from dogma means that the heretic must be in bed with the enemy. Basically, this increased polarization is an indicator that the individual isn’t nearly as secure in their beliefs as they’ve led themselves to believe.

    The ability to branch out beyond the security of party-sanctioned “goodfacts” takes courage, and a lot of folks aren’t ready to give up that security blanket, and search for the facts themselves. It take a good deal of strength to accept what the “other” might be saying.

    I prefer to think that no issue or subject is actually political, but rather that they are deliberately politicized by politically-minded people. Climate change is a prime example: Nature doesn’t give a methane-laced cow burp as to whether one of her children are waving a red flag or blue flag, she’s just going to balance out her systems using methods that have been practiced for billions of years before we dreamed up our quaint little self-centered ways of creating artificial divisions between ourselves. And, as Whitley has pointed out here, the Visitors really can’t comprehend why we put so much stock in such pointless, and increasingly counterproductive, institutions.

  13. Matthew, you are so correct.
    Matthew, you are so correct. People’s thinking is getting so rigid these days and it is concerning. It is getting so that you cannot even have a discussion about these issues without the other person getting very angry if they disagree with you.

    I also have several friends and family members that I discuss paranormal issues with. All of them have read a number of Whitley’s books yet I have found that they were all OK with the idea of the Visitors being extraterrestrials from Zeta Reticuli or somewhere who were on a mission here. Yet when Whitley delved deeper about their being from an alternate dimension, that lost some people. Most could NOT accept Whitley and Anne’s assertion that the Visitors are from another dimension and humans who have passed on are there too. I find it fascinating but from what I have seen Whitley is miles ahead of any other writer in the UFO field and what he has discovered has turned over too many people’s vision of reality and THAT I think is a major reason that Whitley has lost so much support.

  14. Matthew, you are so correct.
    Matthew, you are so correct. People’s thinking is getting so rigid these days and it is concerning. It is getting so that you cannot even have a discussion about these issues without the other person getting very angry if they disagree with you.

    I also have several friends and family members that I discuss paranormal issues with. All of them have read a number of Whitley’s books yet I have found that they were all OK with the idea of the Visitors being extraterrestrials from Zeta Reticuli or somewhere who were on a mission here. Yet when Whitley delved deeper about their being from an alternate dimension, that lost some people. Most could NOT accept Whitley and Anne’s assertion that the Visitors are from another dimension and humans who have passed on are there too. I find it fascinating but from what I have seen Whitley is miles ahead of any other writer in the UFO field and what he has discovered has turned over too many people’s vision of reality and THAT I think is a major reason that Whitley has lost so much support.

  15. Only about an hour before I
    Only about an hour before I read this latest journal entry, I was sitting in an open Mustang convertible at a traffic light in Orlando, a gorgeous sunny day on a short vacation this week. The left-turn traffic went first, and a diesel truck did a little engine rev just as it was passing me, presumably intending to make its cloud of black smoke (a practice these people sometimes call “rolling coal”) so that it might engulf my passenger compartment. It wasn’t too bad since it’s quite breezy in Orlando today, but it was annoying enough and I think it gets right to point of what’s wrong with humanity. Bruce Springsteen summed it up in his song Nebraska, based on the true story of a killing spree, “They wanted to know why I did what I did. Well sir I guess there’s just a meanness in this world.”

    In all of nature, I think only humans have “meanness”, and a disturbingly large percentage of them (like today’s diesel pickup driver) actually embrace it. This to me is why it’s hard to feel optimistic about our chances. Does it come from the soul, from genetics, or both? Maybe the visitors are working to breed it out of us, which would go along with Whitley’s theory about abductions being done only on those “mild of disposition” (I believe myself included) as part of creating a new (or updated) physical form.

    Anyway, this was an especially interesting journal entry. I’ve long felt that abductions pretty much ceased in the early 2000’s, and Whitley’s words are the strongest possible confirmation. Maybe the fact that it’s so rare now is part of what’s enabling the government to loosen up a little about military UFO sightings. People today don’t really care so much what happened 20 years ago, and before the internet. Like, “you were abducted by aliens? That is SO last century!”

  16. Only about an hour before I
    Only about an hour before I read this latest journal entry, I was sitting in an open Mustang convertible at a traffic light in Orlando, a gorgeous sunny day on a short vacation this week. The left-turn traffic went first, and a diesel truck did a little engine rev just as it was passing me, presumably intending to make its cloud of black smoke (a practice these people sometimes call “rolling coal”) so that it might engulf my passenger compartment. It wasn’t too bad since it’s quite breezy in Orlando today, but it was annoying enough and I think it gets right to point of what’s wrong with humanity. Bruce Springsteen summed it up in his song Nebraska, based on the true story of a killing spree, “They wanted to know why I did what I did. Well sir I guess there’s just a meanness in this world.”

    In all of nature, I think only humans have “meanness”, and a disturbingly large percentage of them (like today’s diesel pickup driver) actually embrace it. This to me is why it’s hard to feel optimistic about our chances. Does it come from the soul, from genetics, or both? Maybe the visitors are working to breed it out of us, which would go along with Whitley’s theory about abductions being done only on those “mild of disposition” (I believe myself included) as part of creating a new (or updated) physical form.

    Anyway, this was an especially interesting journal entry. I’ve long felt that abductions pretty much ceased in the early 2000’s, and Whitley’s words are the strongest possible confirmation. Maybe the fact that it’s so rare now is part of what’s enabling the government to loosen up a little about military UFO sightings. People today don’t really care so much what happened 20 years ago, and before the internet. Like, “you were abducted by aliens? That is SO last century!”

  17. Thanks for those clarifying
    Thanks for those clarifying points. I’d be happy with your future dreamlands being more like this with maybe comments on subscribers posts and possibly questions. Whitley, could you elaborate a little more on the blueprint for preserving our planet. Does it involve a biological approach through carbon sequestration, renewable energy etc?

  18. Thanks for those clarifying
    Thanks for those clarifying points. I’d be happy with your future dreamlands being more like this with maybe comments on subscribers posts and possibly questions. Whitley, could you elaborate a little more on the blueprint for preserving our planet. Does it involve a biological approach through carbon sequestration, renewable energy etc?

  19. You aren’t the only
    You aren’t the only Experiencer getting these messages. With slight variations (noise to signal?), most are hearing the same message as you have put forward.

  20. You aren’t the only
    You aren’t the only Experiencer getting these messages. With slight variations (noise to signal?), most are hearing the same message as you have put forward.

  21. One thing that I do have that

    One thing that I do have that I am very grateful for, is a thoughtful, articulate group of subscribers! The ones who were here for UFO sensations and alien entertainment are drifting away, which is just as well, I suppose.

    Incidentally, I clarified my thoughts about genetic scarring in the text of the journal entry. I think that what comes to us in our genes doesn’t heal in our lifetimes, but only slowly fades across generations. What happens to us in life can be healed in life. If it isn’t then it, also, is passed down, an echo of our suffering delivered into future generations.

    1. Whitley, you are spot on
      Whitley, you are spot on about ‘genetic scarring’, and I have seen it in my own family. My sister and I talked recently about this very thing, and how the two of us are a little different from other family members in that we have gotten past the scars in one line in particular of the family tree. My mother and her siblings are still suffering from genetic ‘scarring’ that pre-dates the Civil War, and they aren’t even aware of it, and yet my sister and I see it all quite clearly.

  22. One thing that I do have that

    One thing that I do have that I am very grateful for, is a thoughtful, articulate group of subscribers! The ones who were here for UFO sensations and alien entertainment are drifting away, which is just as well, I suppose.

    Incidentally, I clarified my thoughts about genetic scarring in the text of the journal entry. I think that what comes to us in our genes doesn’t heal in our lifetimes, but only slowly fades across generations. What happens to us in life can be healed in life. If it isn’t then it, also, is passed down, an echo of our suffering delivered into future generations.

    1. Whitley, you are spot on
      Whitley, you are spot on about ‘genetic scarring’, and I have seen it in my own family. My sister and I talked recently about this very thing, and how the two of us are a little different from other family members in that we have gotten past the scars in one line in particular of the family tree. My mother and her siblings are still suffering from genetic ‘scarring’ that pre-dates the Civil War, and they aren’t even aware of it, and yet my sister and I see it all quite clearly.

  23. Whitley: Thanks for
    Whitley: Thanks for clarifying the genetic scarring issue. There has to be some sort of long term damage from the effects of war, a sort of inherited PTSD in a way, I guess. Along those same lines, I wonder about the effects of slavery on African Americans, descendents of truly horrific abuse. Or, European Jews after the Holocaust? Of course, there has been adaptation, but how much of that represents the human ability to adapt? Maybe better said, how much of it is psychic or emotional and how much of it represents a physical/biological response such that our genes are altered? It’s probably only since the 2nd World War that PTSD has begun to be understood and accepted as a very real phenomenon. I am not sure that what we consider PTSD is actually the same thing as generational long abuse from war, but I suspect that they are related. It has been scientifically proven that genetic changes can occur due to “outside” forces(that is not from the individual’s inherent DNA code)so your feelings are more than mere speculation.

  24. Whitley: Thanks for
    Whitley: Thanks for clarifying the genetic scarring issue. There has to be some sort of long term damage from the effects of war, a sort of inherited PTSD in a way, I guess. Along those same lines, I wonder about the effects of slavery on African Americans, descendents of truly horrific abuse. Or, European Jews after the Holocaust? Of course, there has been adaptation, but how much of that represents the human ability to adapt? Maybe better said, how much of it is psychic or emotional and how much of it represents a physical/biological response such that our genes are altered? It’s probably only since the 2nd World War that PTSD has begun to be understood and accepted as a very real phenomenon. I am not sure that what we consider PTSD is actually the same thing as generational long abuse from war, but I suspect that they are related. It has been scientifically proven that genetic changes can occur due to “outside” forces(that is not from the individual’s inherent DNA code)so your feelings are more than mere speculation.

  25. Our whole society is culpable
    Our whole society is culpable at this point in ignoring climate change, yet I am especially saddened by the actions of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush. The infamous “climate change report” that came out during the first four years of the GW Bush administration was tampered with in ways that we are still paying for, and the media manipulated after that to serve oil interests. I’m so very, very sad and scared for our country and the world.

  26. Our whole society is culpable
    Our whole society is culpable at this point in ignoring climate change, yet I am especially saddened by the actions of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush. The infamous “climate change report” that came out during the first four years of the GW Bush administration was tampered with in ways that we are still paying for, and the media manipulated after that to serve oil interests. I’m so very, very sad and scared for our country and the world.

  27. Our country’s current failure
    Our country’s current failure to lead, will in the future, become our greatest shame.

  28. Our country’s current failure
    Our country’s current failure to lead, will in the future, become our greatest shame.

  29. My God Whitley, you have such
    My God Whitley, you have such a talent for moving the reader. I couldn’t agree more.

    I know for a fact that certain visitors can scan the planet and see what level each individual’s spiritual growth is at. This helps them ‘hone in’ on the correct people.

    Another reason they visit is because the chaos here is so rampant that when one’s soul
    decides to incarnate, he/she has a much larger opportunity to learn it’s opposite. Too much darkness forces a soul to seek the light (if they’re up to it).

    I would also point out the importance of Allowance. It’s so hard for me not to judge
    everyone I meet. It rarely seems to me that others are doing the best they can. Do you have any suggestions on learning to be less judgmental? No need to respond, but if you could share any ideas during an interview, I’ll hear it, thanks.

  30. My God Whitley, you have such
    My God Whitley, you have such a talent for moving the reader. I couldn’t agree more.

    I know for a fact that certain visitors can scan the planet and see what level each individual’s spiritual growth is at. This helps them ‘hone in’ on the correct people.

    Another reason they visit is because the chaos here is so rampant that when one’s soul
    decides to incarnate, he/she has a much larger opportunity to learn it’s opposite. Too much darkness forces a soul to seek the light (if they’re up to it).

    I would also point out the importance of Allowance. It’s so hard for me not to judge
    everyone I meet. It rarely seems to me that others are doing the best they can. Do you have any suggestions on learning to be less judgmental? No need to respond, but if you could share any ideas during an interview, I’ll hear it, thanks.

  31. Carry on.
    Carry on.

  32. Carry on.
    Carry on.

  33. A thoughtful journal entry –
    A thoughtful journal entry – I especially welcome the recognition here of the importance of questioning to the freedom of the human soul.

    To whit (pun intended):

    1. As a matter of course, you refer to ‘The Visitors’ as a singular phenomenon. Do ‘they’ imply that what many take as the ‘extraterrestrial phenomenon is reducible to dualistic categorisation : ‘them’ and ‘us’?

    2. You report that ‘every day’ you are learning new uses for the implant. Do you care to detail some of these uses?

    3. You report that your communiques ‘…must be to a degree held in question’. Why? What sort ‘breathtakingly sophisticated communications system’ fails to relay communication clearly and unambiguously?

  34. A thoughtful journal entry –
    A thoughtful journal entry – I especially welcome the recognition here of the importance of questioning to the freedom of the human soul.

    To whit (pun intended):

    1. As a matter of course, you refer to ‘The Visitors’ as a singular phenomenon. Do ‘they’ imply that what many take as the ‘extraterrestrial phenomenon is reducible to dualistic categorisation : ‘them’ and ‘us’?

    2. You report that ‘every day’ you are learning new uses for the implant. Do you care to detail some of these uses?

    3. You report that your communiques ‘…must be to a degree held in question’. Why? What sort ‘breathtakingly sophisticated communications system’ fails to relay communication clearly and unambiguously?

  35. “Problems cannot be solved
    “Problems cannot be solved with the same mind set that created them.” -Einstein….love that quote.

  36. “Problems cannot be solved
    “Problems cannot be solved with the same mind set that created them.” -Einstein….love that quote.

  37. Thanks Whitley – beautiful
    Thanks Whitley – beautiful said – as always….. I, too, in my own journey’s have come to similar conclusions. I try these days to simplify – spend more time in quiet and live a clear life; accessing the depths of real things and being purposefully, consciously kind………

  38. Thanks Whitley – beautiful
    Thanks Whitley – beautiful said – as always….. I, too, in my own journey’s have come to similar conclusions. I try these days to simplify – spend more time in quiet and live a clear life; accessing the depths of real things and being purposefully, consciously kind………

  39. All of the above responses
    All of the above responses are so well written as are you, Whitley. I guess we are all really “here” because what is here speaks to our “within knowing.” You and this site as well as the books i have read, are so true to the experience of life that many express only to “safe listeners.” We humans do need emotional support 0 and that makes us able to be one people when it matters. So thank you all for that. Whitley, you and Anne Art Bell, Jeremy, William Henry…. such gifts to have been able to listen …. and all the people who post here…they are not an audience as much as family.

  40. All of the above responses
    All of the above responses are so well written as are you, Whitley. I guess we are all really “here” because what is here speaks to our “within knowing.” You and this site as well as the books i have read, are so true to the experience of life that many express only to “safe listeners.” We humans do need emotional support 0 and that makes us able to be one people when it matters. So thank you all for that. Whitley, you and Anne Art Bell, Jeremy, William Henry…. such gifts to have been able to listen …. and all the people who post here…they are not an audience as much as family.

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