I know of few human experiences worse than being right about great tragedy. But that is my situation. From the moment Matt Lauer scorned Superstorm on the Today Show in 1999, I have been watching a world drift toward its ruin. Not even when Dr. James Hansen and 15 other climate scientists published “Ice Melt, Sea Level Rise and Superstorms” in 2015 did the climate change deniers face the truth.

The terrible winter storm that ravaged Texas in 2011 and the bizarre derecho that swept across the midwest in the summer of 2020 were not warning enough. Now a truly horrific winter storm has brought devastation to Texas and much of the Southern US. But still the lies continue. “Unbeknownst to most people, the Green New Deal came to Texas,” Tucker Carlson said on February 16 on Fox News. “The power grid in the state became totally reliant on windmills. Then it got cold, and the windmills broke, because that’s what happens in the Green New Deal.” 

This is a blatant lie. Texas’s problems had to do with the fact that the state’s utilities were allowed to ignore a report published after the 2011 storm warning that the state’s power infrastructure had to be winterized against a similar disaster happening in the future. In fact, most of the state’s power was and is supplied by natural gas fired plants that are sitting out in the open, completely exposed to the weather.  As with the wind turbines, they should have been winterized years ago.

Nevertheless, Governor Greg Abbott continued the lie, stating on Hannity a few hours later that the tragedy “shows how the Green New Deal would be a deadly deal for the United States of America.” This has been followed by a continuous drone of similar lies across the conservative press, orchestrated by the Republican Party.

As a Texan whose family’s presence in the state dates back to the late eighteenth century, and who had ancestors who died and the Alamo and fought at the Battle of San Jacinto, I think that I have an unequivocal right to say that the state is badly and dangerously led by people who put greed ahead of need. The entire cabal of climate change deniers needs to be turned out across the whole of this union, not just in Texas, something that I very much fear will not happen.

Too many people have become unable, or unwilling, to distinguish between what they want to believe and what is actually true.

We don’t only need a Green New Deal in this country, the United States needs to lead the world in a massive response to what is quickly becoming a runaway climate disaster that is going to lead in only one direction, which is toward horrific outcomes such as mass famine.

And why the United States? Why not China, which is, after all, the world’s largest polluter?

Despite the recent turmoil in this country, the US remains the only nation capable of leading the world. China can’t do it, not a totalitarian state that’s greeted with suspicion wherever it goes, and whose own people respect it so little that they only grudgingly follow its laws. Europe’s heart is in the right place, but a patchwork of small, essentially powerless countries can do little more than suggest, not lead.

Sea level rise will proceed slowly in human terms, but famine is hanging over us like a Sword of Damocles that we aren’t even aware exists. Already this year, so much corn has been sold out of the bumper US crop that it is doubtful that it will be possible to physically ship all the orders that have been placed. The demand for soy products is similarly robust.

This is not because crops are failing elsewhere, but because the food needs of our overpopulated planet are rising faster than the ability of the producing countries to keep up with them.

Should drought hit the United States and Canadian grain belt or the Russian and Ukrainian wheat growing regions, there will be an immediate catastrophe. As of this writing, uncertainty about Russia’s crop has caused Ukrainian wheat prices to rise dramatically and for consumer countries like Pakistan to put in huge orders.

Because supplies are so tight and reserves essentially nonexistent worldwide, the possibility of sudden shortages is a very real one. But nobody is talking about that. Instead, there’s a fight on about solar panels and wind farms.

I’m sorry, but it’s too little too late. The United States is the only country with the power and the resources to lead the world in the radical new approach to the climate crisis that is needed if human civilization is going to remain intact.

I have just published a book called Jesus: A New Vision that not only discusses the truth about his sublime teaching but also explains how climate change and pandemics led to uncontrolled mass immigration, the collapse of the Roman Empire and the onset of a dark age that lasted a thousand years and set the progress of mankind back in ways that to this day cannot even be measured.

Climate change denial is evil. It is sinful. It spits in the faces of our children and grinds their futures into the dust of drought and the terror of famine. NOW, not fifty years from now when Mar a Lago finally sinks into the sea with the rest of southern Florida and coastlines around the world.

The sort of famine I am talking about could happen literally at any time. But where else do you find a warning? Nowhere else. Of course, I’m an outsider, to be ignored by all sides.

But Art Bell and I published Superstorm in 1999. The book happened because of things the Master of the Key told me in 1998, which are recorded in The Key.

So who’s going to believe me? My information comes from the outside, from a world most thinking people regard as imaginary and laughable.

And why am I now warning about famine? For the same reason that I started warning about uncontrolled fires in California and the Amazon in Nature’s End in 1987. For the same reason I warned about the superstorm in 1999.

Whatever the strange presence that haunts my life is, it has never been wrong about the fate of humankind.

Take heed and be warned.

Photo 28003621 © Susan Sheldon | Dreamstime.com

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  1. The inability to grow grains at scale will lead to the starvation of millions.

    When the melting fresh water ice of glaciers dilutes the salty Atlantic, the submerged waterfalls will equalize and there will be no gradient to drive the Atlantic conveyor belt.
    No tropical air mass will be carried North and Europe will be to cold to bear.

    Ice mountains 5 -9 miles high will crawl all the way to Kansas .

    I have had the dreams and been validated when I read the MOTK forecasts. It is happening. We are moving toward the flip with each passing year. It’s far to late. I read Bill Gates new book: Solving the Climate Crisis and sigh . It’s to late…

    For a time I thought I could live like a snowbird and escape the brutal wet bulb heat, and escape the coming ice age. It won’t happen. No amount of prepping will prepare anyone , anywhere. No place is safe.
    The superstorms that pull down freezing cold from space have guaranteed that.

    Since time is an abstraction and fluid I can give no date by our or any calendar. It will happen in a season, not in centuries, but decades -perhaps years.
    I wonder if tonight’s apocalyptic dream is a screen, a prophecy or a trick.

  2. Goddess Bless you Whitley….I am so sorry you bear this burden largely alone ……but we hear you….and appreciate this….as uncomfortable as it is it IS SPOT ON…I am printing it out tomorrow…and forwarding it as well…..my ex who I’m still relatively close to is a major enviromentalist out here on the central cali coast and I’ve heard it all for over 20 years…he’s a watershed specialist….so that’s whole other issue…..hearing the reminders….as well as Art Bell and you…going back, I think to the late 80’s…..I also have family on my maternal side that goes back to the early 1800’s in TX and I can’t stand the thought of ever going there…never have been….as a life long Californian….having to listen to a family members republican rhetoric because I am their end of life caretaker has just about gagged me but I have to put it in perspective….about a week at a time….believe me….i still confront the crap with the elder….its just over the top and they have no clue they are being “played”

    it is absolutely scary contemplating the propensity of a mindset melding inward upon itself when one doesn’t breathe in the moment and hold oneself to try to practice critical thinking skills outward….I guess that’s just getting tired, older or ill…or….

  3. The political leaders of this country who create legislation are ruled by a small group of powerful and wealthy individuals who have only one or two creeds: 1) keep generating profits and more wealth, however externalities that may threaten the majority of people, 2) protect their wealth at all costs. They are the ones who bankroll the politicians, so they do their bidding, despite all their bloviating rhetoric. They are craven for power and keeping it as long as they can. They are cowards.

    This country has the potential to lead the rest of the world into a new era of prosperity while preparing for the dire effects of climate change to come down upon the regular folks who just want a decent chance at a good life. But it won’t happen until major reform happens within the halls of federal government, starting with campaign finance reform and strengthening democracy so all citizens are able to vote. Just look what is happening now within state legislatures, where they are trying to implement voter suppression laws. It is shameful what is happening.

    I think we normal folks are waking up and realizing things aren’t right. But I fear it’s going to take a giant hammer blow to our sense of safety and well-being for us to mobilize the proper amount of resources to make a true difference. I wouldn’t bet against the spirit of the human heart and intelligence, but how many people must suffer and die before we act?

    We are at war. There are those who know a change is coming, whether by our own hands, making the conscious decision to evolve into a more compassionate society, or by some external force that will change us with our our own input. And then there are the selfish, greedy, shallow children who will do anything to protect their own interests, willing to let billions suffer or die, just to save their materialist lusts.

  4. I think Samuel Jackson said it best, “Hold on to your butts”. Yes we have reached the point of prepare for the worst. Try to grow as much as you can yourself. I know this is difficult if not prohibitive for people in major metropolitan areas. You can manipulate growing seasons in your yard better than big Ag. and have success. The biggest question is it going to happen toward the side of gradualism or catastrophism? Most likely it will be a combo of both.

    Thanks Whitley for never wavering from your message considering how unpopular its been for you.

    1. Stan, You nailed it. We have a huge garden and mulch & recycle. We plan on cashing out soon to take a series of gentle half steps toward self reliance. We just sold our 1880 rental property. Its part of our plan.
      You are right… cities will be no place to be. You will need minor prep, some canned goods, gas, cash etc.
      Look what at what happens in snow storms, the pandemic, Texas power outages… My God the supplies are out in 1 day and the re supply chain takes days, weeks…. I hate to advocate bug out and head for the hills… but we are seeing what our “communities” and neighborhoods are capable of!
      There are just to many dumb Americans in it for themselves. Maybe the ex-pat route is the way? 🙂

      1. Don’t forget the chickens! If you can get a regular source of eggs your half way to feeding yourself. Plus you get occasional meat feathers and fertilizer as poop. I’m sure you’ve already integrated that James, I hope others follow.

  5. Anywhere you see that is mown with a lawn mower can be a place for food to be grown. Your yard, parks, etc. At least as long as our weather holds.
    Don’t be afraid to ‘guerrilla garden’ in your own parks. They are public spaces that you and I have paid for.

    The following is from one of the earliest Journal entries called “Encounter of June 6, 1998”.
    It dates from July 20, 1998. Whitley is speaking with the Master of the Key. I’m sure you still remember this Whitley? It’s a profound journal entry and worth a revisit by all who come here.

    “Gently, he told me that our world is “irretrievably lost.” He said, “the ones to whom you pay your taxes will be dragged in the streets before this suffering is ended.” What suffering? “You will see the signs in fire. Your planet’s life has turned a turning in its path. There will be a great extinction here.”

    “I have also gained a mission: our world is going to go through a time of great agony. I can tell you this: many of the people who now hold sway over us are going to end up despised by a thousand future generations. Their names will echo in the ages as the names of the blackest demons of hell.”

    The entry also speaks of ‘an ancient path would again emerge’. It is emerging from its long secrecy. It is there. I have walked some of it. Whitley’s books describe it fairly well without even being aware of that fact. Probably part of the larger movement that helps humanity behind the scenes towards a return the the Will of God, which is our true individuality, as opposed to our myriad little egos constantly whining with the self-righteous belligerence of a toddler, “No! I do it!”.

    Greed will fail. Help, forgive, and love each other. There is no other way through. We are One.
    Caritas Beloved Brothers and Sisters!
    Thank you Whitley.

  6. Speaking of The Key, the New York Times just published an interactive article on the weakening of the Gulf Stream and the Big Blob of cold water that has formed off Greenland. Sound familiar? “A plague of cold water,” is what I remember being said.

  7. Have been having what I think are dreams tying the past to the future in American cities, strangely since I’m Canadian. The first one was about Las Vegas, a 1960’s-style documentary with one of those nasally presenters from that era explaining that there wasn’t a single bookstore in Vegas, I guess sort of explaining the “dumbing down” of Western culture. In the most recent dream, somehow I knew I was in Texarkana, Texas/Arkansas. There was a pleasant red-brick courtyard lit by a warm setting sun with green elm trees. I was walking towards an area with a packed crowd of people sitting at bars and restaurants, talking and having a great time. I saw the ghosts of Ronald and Nancy Reagan walking near me, who were surprised when I went towards them to say “hi”. When I woke up I Googled a clip of Reagan campaigning in Texarkana a month after I was born in October of 1980. I think the significance was the parallels between the current president who seems to be suffering from dementia/Alzheimer’s and Reagan as well as a crowd of people eating and drinking and being merry while tragedy looms around the corner, as is paralleled in the Bible.

  8. Whitley, thank you for this. I have to admit that I am a Fox News person, but when I saw Greg Abbot say what he did, I knew that he was lying in his teeth.

    I am very much afraid you are right and have been for all these years. I feel conned, frankly, by my party, which is Republican. Or was. Given all of Trump’s craziness, the mess he made of the pandemic and the capitol riot that he caused, and now this, I’m going to be looking for something else to do with my vote.

  9. George Pelly, you are not alone my friend.
    Although I was on the other side of the political fence, I felt heartily betrayed by Obama during his first term when the banks were bailed out while my life sunk. I was never able to recover. His other promises of change we can believe in saw the environment continue its endless abuse, and corporate structured solutions to ‘liberal causes’ fed vast administrative elites to pat themselves on the backs while the poor and struggling maintained their poverty.

    We’ve all been had.

    I decided back then to never again vote for the lesser of two evils. Evil is evil, even in second place. I don’t know the solution. So, I turned inward to at least make a change in something I have direct responsibility and control over. In turning inward, I found the Kingdom of Heaven, and wouldn’t you know, there’s no dogma there.

  10. A challaneging time to be alive. What will it take to wake the world up to these dangers? Maybe nothing except the tragic events themselves. I’m recently (late 2019) married and have a five-month old son. It was different thinking of these things while single but with a family of my own the thought of such suffering impacting their lives is extraordinarily difficult to bear. So many people treat climate change and its threats as an abstraction, or, worse, a politicized ping pong ball to be batted around to score points. Then you read a journal entry like this from a man who not only tells the truth as best he can convey it but has yet to be wrong on this issue and you realize again that there is no built-in safety net for our species or the earth.

  11. Author

    I sure hear you loud and clear, Sergios! I have 3 lovely grandkids and they deserve lives. I am crazy about kids and therefore about the human species. So when I see climate change denial and attempts to do things like curtail freedom, it just plain makes my blood boil. And these idiots out there with their psychotic conspiracy theories–give me a break. They’re wasting our time. We have a world to save!!

    1. Right on! I feel the same way. Haven’t some Non-Human Intelligences warned about the ‘reincarnation bottleneck’ that will result if much of the Earth becomes uninhabitable in the near future, which will happen if we hit 4 C or so or warming? Such a world might only sustain a few million people at most. Best to work on Rebirth in a higher Realm, while working to make positive change here to the best of our ability. The Earth is a cosmic jewel.

      1. I wrote this before beginning to watch your interview with Mark Sims, where I see you address this very topic. Great interview!

  12. I’m confused. On one hand – “it’s too little too late”, on the other “we have a world to save”.
    What constitutes a “massive undertaking” by the US?
    It’s hard for me to believe that the rest of the world is going to follow the lead of the US.
    If we are overpopulated aren’t the only options de-populate or get off the planet? (although… there is technology. I love a good human endeavor).
    Whitley, what do mean by “massive undertaking”?

    1. The choice is between a difficult future (best case scenario) or total mass extinction. Most climate scientists still think we may avoid the latter, but we need to get serious very, very fast.

  13. I don’t necessarily agree that the planet is overpopulated. The way we manage our resources is what needs to change in a dramatic way, and the way we shape our values toward each other. If we truly value each human life, over the shallow thinking of “rugged individualism”, which is another way of saying “I got mine, you get yours,” then the world will change forever. We can change our behavior to benefit everyone, and, in turn, create a more balanced ecosystem. Right now, we manage our resources poorly, still thinking we have an infinite supply of everything. Once we come around to the idea that mother earth can’t keep providing us with a cornucopia of everything, we will return to balance, knowing we must give back to her, instead of taking, taking, taking.

    With a more inclusive mindset, we can change our behavior and provide plenty of food, energy, etc. for all.

    1. I don’t know what it will take to change the current consumption mindset of so many people. I have to confess that at an earlier time in my life I only thought of my own needs and desires without being aware of the consequences of material ownership. Gadgets break after awhile or become obsolete and much of the stuff I acquired didn’t really get used all that much and ended up collecting dust. It took me a lot of years to realize that my needs were much less than I originally imagined. I ended up giving away many things hoping that someone else would find some use for them. Unfortunately I still get seduced now and then by some shiny object. I think I must have been a squirrel in another life.

      I think of Whitely in his earlier days when he was becoming well known as a fiction writer and had luxuries such as a place in New York city and a cabin in the woods plus a European sports sedan. He now lives a much more modest life in an apartment and drives an older Prius.

      If every human goes through these phases of acquisition to learn the lesson then a great burden is placed on our planet. There are some individuals who unfortunately never learn the lesson.

      Rickety Man

  14. TOMKOWT has the right idea … what has to change is the way we manage our resources. From just a few minutes ago on Twitter, the most recent commodity price spike on oil seeds (the source of canola oil, which is used in much US restaurant cooking and US food product manufacturing):

  15. A big part of resource management must include better efficiency in waste. Not necessarily garbage, per se, but how much of the resource we extract is wasted during the process toward final product. I bet it is mind-blowing.

  16. Yes, thank you all for replying. It was a bit of a loaded question. I’ve got another (unloaded).
    How can we change mindset fast enough to make a difference?

    1. I could see a scenario where the greater majority of humanity comes together and mobilizes in one great leap toward a more sustainable ecosystem, where the production of things like energy and food are optimized that correspond to a new mindset we establish. How that mindset is established is the variable. The quickest way, unfortunately, is paired together with an external pressure that forces us to make a decision where we want to go. In this case, I can easily see a climate event that strikes the entire northern hemisphere, such as a spike in temperature from a methane “bomb,” effectively wiping out crops everywhere and threatening to kill hundreds of millions of people. Whitley has mentioned this numerous times over the years. This tremendous blow to our survival could shock us into action, knowing we must do something immediately, akin to a paradigm shift. Or it could send us down the path toward extinction, falling into the muck of evolutionary dead ends that every species has suffered so far.

      1. Right TOMKOWT, I agree. To change fast enough there has to be some external pressure. Its human nature – people don’t change if everything is going great.
        The conundrum for me is ..climate change due to people , versus earth’s cycle (ie it’s going to happen anyway).
        If its people – maybe we can facilitate something survivable. If it’s the earths cycle – we “prolly” can’t. I hear arks work.
        I’ll try to decrease my footprint as I’m sure you will too. Thanks for your perspective.

  17. Project Drawdown just posted its new set of climate change solutions on its website and on Twitter:

    My family and I purchased Italian glass storage jars (with attached sealing lids) for storing lots of dry grains, flours, and some seeds, spices, etc. Most of the US stores that used to sell good quality glass storage jars nowadays only offer cheaper made-in-China versions that tend to fall apart after a few years. But you can still find the Italian originals at independent natural food stores, sold in or near the bulk food and/or bulk herbal product sections of those stores. Here is one example of such a store in Northern California:

    The only dry goods item in our home food storage area that has not survived long-term storage is long grain brown rice, which is somewhat delicate. After that failure, we switched to storing long grain brown basmati rice, which does very well so far. Try to store grains, beans, misos, canned goods and seeds at temperatures in the 50s Fahrenheit if you can. We store flours at that temperature or in our refrigerator.

    The largest glass storage jars I can find are 3-liter size, but I also bought some 1 1/2 liter sizes, which are handy for storing breakfast grains and other items we use on a daily basis, such as oat bran.

    If you are just starting out with dry food storage, be aware that 20 to 50 pound sacks (sizes depend on the type of food product you are buying) are often sold at a 5% to 10% discount, so that’s an extra cost savings for you.

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