A quiet desperation is creeping into the mind of man. We’re in trouble and we know it, and some of us are going in a radical and completely incredible direction: they’re trying to completely reinvent the human body itself.
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After a hiatus during with he created a Giam TV show, founded the Sion Academy with his wife Clare, took tours to Egypt and France and published his astonishing, brilliant and groundbreaking book Lost Secrets of the Watchers, William Henry has returned to Revelations! Listen as he tells Whitley Strieber about his journeys, his plans, and the inside story of his new book, the Watchers.
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William Henry tells a horrifying story of imprisonment of the audience at the Contact in the Desert Conference August 9–11. He says that David Wilcock came with a bodyguard, and that Steven Greer arrived with a whole group of bodyguards, who allegedly proceeded to lock the doors and allow nobody in our out during his presentation. If this happened, it was illegal, and we urge all UFO conference attendees to demand that they not be imprisoned during any performance for any reason. He also reports that Dr. Greer claimed that the US government has offered him two billion dollars to stop his disclosure efforts and his public speaking.
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The week before the bizarre Norway Lights of 2009 appeared, William Henry published an article on WilliamHenry.net that seemed almost to prophesy the strange phenomenon.

It was explained away as a missile test, but is that all that happened? Listen as William Henry interviews Mark Gray about the phenomenon and its possible significance.

Mark Gray’s website is CosmicDoorways.net.

Read William’s article on WilliamHenry.net.

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