Starfire Tor makes some extraordinary claims. Amazingly, Whitley and Anne personally had an experience that supports her claims about time slips. So she is welcome on Dreamland with her remarkable ideas and theories

This week, we’re talking about the core matrix, timelines and timeline edits, precognitive dreams, future predictions and dark forces attack.

This show is every bit as super-heated and incredible as her previous appearances.

What happens during a timeline edit? She now understands this and explains it on this show.

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I have been having an extraordinary time engaging with my wife. What has happened is beyond anything I would ever have expected. Anne was a teacher, and she still is. Not only that, she loved Dreamland and always participated as much as she could. When she could not lean in and ask questions herself because her voice was too weak, she whispered them to me and I asked them.
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Last November, during a period of extreme stress, Starfire Tor was nearly killed by a devastating seizure. On her road to recovery, she has come to mind-opening and mind-bending new insights about the nature of evil and the hidden realities of life. Listen as she describes her journey through a dark underworld, and the discoveries she has made there, not only about the hidden truth of our fractured reality, but about what awaits us all in a future so strange and so unexpected that most of us dare not look at it.

Face turned toward the dark wind, Starfire dares.
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Without warning on a recent afternoon, Starfire Tor experienced a devastating seizure. She was alone at the time, and struggled frantically to call for help, finally reaching her friend Brandon Scott, who came to her apartment, then rushed her to the hospital. She remained hospitalized for 10 days, during which time not only did she have further seizures, but also had to face a medical mystery: the doctors had no idea what was happening to her.
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