Long time KPFA broadcaster Ralph Steiner has amassed a remarkable group of recordings of news announcements and interviews about the Roswell Incident. This edition of Dreamland begins with a recording of the first radio news report about the crash, and then Ralph takes us through a terrific history of Roswell, as told in interviews and recordings he has collected over his long career. Much of this material has never been heard before, and it has never been brought together in a single program anywhere. Fascinating new insight into the Roswell Incident.read more

Nobody knows how much debris was picked up (NOTE: subscribers can still listen to this show) and kept by the first people to stumble upon the 1947 crash of a UFO in Roswell, New Mexico, but pieces of the craft continue to turn up and New Mexico high school geology teacher found one of them and had it tested. The result? He says it is NOT of Earth origin and speculates it therefore must have been manufactured on another planet.
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Last week, the Australian government announced that it has "lost" its UFO files. Thus it joins the United States, which "lost" all the files relating to the Roswell AFB dating from 1947 through 1952, and the United Kingdom, which recently announced that it has "lost" all the files relating to the Rendlesham Forest UFO Case.
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In 1998, a mysterious little man that Whitley Strieber calls the Master of the Key burst into his hotel room in Toronto and told him all kinds of things he didn’t know–but when he checked them out later, he found out they were TRUE. (The NEW, revised edition of The Key, with a foreword that talks about how many of his statements later turned out to be true, is in bookstores NOW). One of the few things that Whitley could NOT check out was MOTKE’s provocative statement that we are stuck on this planet because the parents of the child who would have given us the ability to travel into space was killed in the holocaust.
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