New research from the California Institute of Technology has narrowed down the area of the sky that the elusive Planet Nine might be hiding in. The new data includes a more succinct estimate of the planet’s mass and orbital characteristics, offering ongoing astronomical surveys a “treasure map” of sorts that might expediteread more

Two new studies have provided further evidence for the existence of an as-of-yet undiscovered large planet at the edge of the Solar System, known by the astronomical community as “Planet Nine“.  Having found that the orbits of a number of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) on the outer fringe of the Solarread more

A diminutive Goblin lurks in the cold, dark recesses of the heavens, far past the icy blue depths of Poseidon, and even deeper into the void than the abode of Hades. And, according to the explorers that discovered this strange entity, the millennia-long journey into the abyss that this Goblin takes suggests that a resolution to an even deeper mystery — that of the elusive Planet Nine — may one day be solved.
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The newly-plotted orbital path of a recently discovered trans-Neptunian object has added new fuel to the growing body of evidence that there is a planet of substantial size orbiting in the far reaches of our solar system. The highly-eccentric orbit of this dwarf planet fits perfectly–and indeed can currently only be explained by–the presence of the mysterious Planet Nine.
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