The Middle East is about to boil over. Scholar and sometime prophet John Hogue joins us to discuss the true danger of the Iran crisis. For Uknowncountry subscribers, we ask John the question: what about Gaza and the future? What happens next?
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The headlines are screaming about record heat, drought, trouble with Iran and Syria and all manner of calamity. So, what does it all mean and  above all, WHERE ARE WE GOING?

Nostradamus scholar John Hogue has a notable record predicting what’s on the way, and today William Henry asks him, ‘what about the next few months?’

Listen as John paints his picture of what the future holds for our climate (and note that he predicted the blazing summer last March), the middle east and the world.

John Hogue’s website is
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John Hogue explains just where we are astrologically right now and where we’re going in the next few months. This unique look into the future can help you understand our situation as it is now and what might be happening between now and the end of the year. Will there be any great natural disasters? Any black swans–or, for that matter, white swans–that we should expect in coming months? There is nobody quite like John Hogue to speculate usefully on these matters. His understanding of the methods of Nostradamus as well as his deep astrological insight, are unique in the world.
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Every January, John Hogue offers Dreamlanders his predictions for the coming year. The next summer, we revisit some of those predictions and he offers us new ones for the coming year. Some of his predictions for 2011 that he gave us in January have been startlingly accurate, and his latest ones are just as intense. In January, he warned that 2011 would be the year of the discovery that we have serious food problems on earth, and this is proving to be absolutely true.
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