"The alarm bells of the last few years are now going to begin to clang incessantly in the areas of politics, food supplies, our global economy–things that have been delayed and postponed this year will fully emerge in 2013." He goes on to explain the astrological significance of Saturn’s re-entry into Scorpio, and how it relates to coming change.

He points out that leaders around the world have been adept at ‘kicking the can down the road,’ and predicts that the road ends in 2013. So, what should we do to be prepared? What’s to be careful of in 2013, and what’s to look forward to? (It’s not all bad, for sure!)

Don’t miss John’s powerful and fascinating–and, hopefully, USEFUL–insights. And expect some surprising ‘outlier’ prophecies!read more

For the first time in years, there are no fake apocalyptic predictions on the horizon. So what IS going to happen next? John Hogue combines his careful analysis of the world around us with his oracle to make some provocative suggestions. After a year absence, John Hogue returns to his traditional January predictions on Dreamland. This year at last, there are no more fake apocalyptic disasters to worry about, so what’s to look forward to in 2013, and what’s to worry about?
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A fragile ceasefire has been brokered by the US and Egypt between the Hamas government in Gaza and Israel. But how long will it last, and what are the consequences if it breaks down and Israel invades Gaza? Could this be the equivalent of Austria invading Serbia, the seemingly small conflict that triggered World War One? Given that three different extremist groups, fundamentalist Islam, fundamentalist Christianity and ultra-conservative Judaism all believe that a war in the area would cause their various messiahs to reappear, any violence that happens there is extremely dangerous. Believers from all three groups actually want war. Will they get their wish? What does John Hogue think?read more

 A fragile ceasefire has been brokered by the US and Egypt between the Hamas government in Gaza and Israel. But how long will it last, and what are the consequences if it breaks down and Israel invades Gaza? Could this be the equivalent of Austria invading Serbia, the seemingly small conflict that triggered World War One? 
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