Eight new archaeological sites that appear to be connected to the deeply ancient sites of Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe have been identified by archaeologists, potentially expanding the 12,000-year-old megalithic network to no less than 20 known sites. News of the new sites was announced by Türkiye’s Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmetread more

Whenever Andrew Collins comes to Dreamland you can expect excitement, and this show is no exception. Whitley had all kinds of technical problems getting started, and during the first part of the show an extremely weird event takes place that may reveal something somebody really very much does NOT want us to know!

The show covers Andrew’s latest findings about Gobekli Tepe and the Cygnus Mystery, which he has discussed on Dreamland many times before, and which is also the subject of one of Whitley’s most powerful meditations, the Cygnus Meditation.
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After his astonishing show about Skara Brae, Laird Scranton returns with another breathtaking performance, this time showing how carvings found at Gobekli Tepe relates to imagery that appears 6,000 years later in Egypt, and—incredibly—in modern times among the Dogon people of Africa.

Graham Hancock says, “Point of Origin is not a book about Gobekli Tepe, but it sets that mysterious Anatolian hilltop sanctuary into a matrix of interconnected mysteries from all around the world in a way that is both fascinating and thought-provoking.”
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