Most of us aren’t planning to serve fish for Christmas dinner and that’s a good thing, since fishermen are having trouble catching enough of it to put on our tables. That’s not just because of overfishing, it has to do with global warming as well. It turns out that warmer waters due to climate change are causing fish to swim north, away from the areas where they have traditionally been caught.
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A dead zone is an area of water where there is no oxygen, so the fish all die. There are “dead zones” in the Gulf of Mexico every year, but the current zone is the biggest anyone there has ever seen. Keep reading to find out why dead zones mean more SHARK ATTACKS on swimmers!

BBC News reports that “conditions are right” for this year’s zone to be even bigger than last summer’s, which measured 6,662 square miles. Dead zones are caused by fertilizer runoff. Fertilizer contains nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of algae, which then absorb all the available oxygen, leaving none for the fish.
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Researchers have discovered the secret of how elephants communicate. They know that dolphins and whales talk to each other from long distances away. They’ve discovered a parrot that may be able converse like a human being. Now they think that fish talk to each other as well.

In, Charles Q. Choi quotes fish expert Timothy Tricas as saying, “We know so far that at least 1,000 fish species make sounds, with a huge diversity of means by which they generate and listen to sounds. There’s only a handful we know well so far.”
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There is an emergency going on in the world’s oceans that most of us know nothing about: as certain species of fish that are overfished or stressed due to pollution or changes in water temperature become drastically reduced in number, this changes the whole balance of the ocean ecosystem, causing more species to go extinct, etc. Since many societies in the world rely on fish to eat, this is a disaster in the making.
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