Sure, fish are good for you, but not if they’re full of drugs!

A recent study showed that eating salmon or other fatty fish just once a week helped reduce men’s risk of heart failure, adding to growing evidence that omega-3 fatty acids are of benefit to cardiac health BUT researchers working with the EPA have detected low-level residues of several human medications and personal care products in fish collected from effluent-dominated rivers, including the residue of one pharmaceutical in wild fish that has not been previously reported. What’s an eater to do?
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…not fish! – The kinds of fish available for your dinner table will change radically in the near future, thanks to global warming. When you next go to the store to buy fish, you may be in for some surprises?your favorite kinds may simply not be available any more. Or there may be nothing there at all, since the recent massive flooding of cities and farms in the Mississippi River basin has washed nitrogen fertilizer into commercial fishing areas of the ocean, causing “dead zones” where no fish can live.
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There may not be much for dinner soon, even in wealthy countries. fish are dying off due to “dead zones” caused by global warming.

As global warming makes the oceans warmer, oxygen-deprived regions are getting bigger. They are caused when microscopic algae accumulate rapidly in dense concentrations, usually due to run off from fertilizer? These areas are known as “red tides” or “dead zones” because fish can’t survive there.

Researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego say these phenomena remain unpredictable in not only where they appear, but how long they persist. While not all of them are harmful, some blooms carry toxins that have been known to threaten marine ecosystems and kill not only fish, but marine mammals and birds.
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Fish is an extraordinarily healthy food, but many of us are nervous about eating it, because of mercury?and other kinds?of contamination. Which fish?if any?are safe to eat? This may soon be a moot point, since recent fish shortages mean that there soon may not be many fish LEFT TO EAT. For the first time in 150 years, fishermen on the West Coast will not be allowed to fish for salmon.
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