With over 3 decades of experience in the film industry, Randall Nickerson is a true creative expert who spent 14 of those years forging a documentary about what is arguably the most amazing group close encounter ever recorded, titled ‘Ariel Phenomenon’. In this film, he tracks down the original witnessesread more

Debra Jordan Kauble (Kathie Davis of Budd Hopkins’ Intruders) goes deeply into the question of how mankind is going to face the fact that somebody is here. As former Undersecretary of Defense Chris Mellon has recently offered the opinion that the most probable explanation is “aliens,” more official acknowledgement mightread more

Debra Jordan-Kauble was the “Kathie Davis” of Budd Hopkins’ classic book of abduction, “Intruders.” Here, she joins Whitley for one of the most moving and inspirational editions of Dreamland that we have ever recorded. Whitley considers Debbie’s new book a classic of its kind, and if this interview is anyread more

We join together for a strengthening and calming meditation for 15 minutes, then view and discuss two videos from South America. The first, shot in 2016, appears to show an alien. Whitley will explain why our video experts are sure that the unusual form is not a computer graphic. Thenread more