The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Moldova UFO video back on YouTube. It has been removed many times, so watch while you can.

April 26, 2011
This intriguing video is routinely removed from YouTube, but if you catch it in time, perhaps you will be able to see it. The announcer's response when she is informed of the object appearing behind her is so natural, it is... continued

Superior UFO report with excellent photgraphs

April 26, 2011
This very well done MUFON report includes a large number of clear photographs of a red object hanging in the air near the witness, who also provided a careful description of what was observed. Graded A. continued

Russian ‘dead alien’ video fake–or a forced confession?

April 26, 2011
The Russian 'dead alien' video that was posted on YouTube and that appeared here is now being claimed to be a fake. According to Russian news media, the men who made the video have confessed to police that they created the... continued

Stick-figure alien videos likely to be real

April 26, 2011
The two stick-figure alien videos, this on and the one from Fresno, California linked here, are both probably videos of similar anomalous creatures. The individual who was originally given the Yosemite video has done some interesting work on it that reveals... continued

Confused alien or clever puppet?

April 21, 2011
No comment on this one beyond saying it's probably not a CGI effect and bears a passing resemblance to this picture taken in Italy in 1993, primarily in the shape of the head and eyes. But no more than a passing... continued

Boomerang over Sydney. Video is authentic, but what is it?

April 20, 2011
The first 20 seconds of this video reveal a boomerang in the upper part of the frame. It's light and hard to see, but very definitely there, and it is not a balloon. However, it appears to be flying rather... continued

Aliens reported inside Texas home.

April 19, 2011
We've been noticing many more stories of UFOs flying lower and slower lately, and now it would seem that they're about as low and slow as they can go--a couple in Texas thinks that there were aliens in their home.... continued

More on that Russian alien body video.

April 19, 2011
Unless this is a very elaborate viral video with some money behind it, it's a real case. The earlier and very public UFO sighting and explosion, followed by this discovery and the detail in the photograph, are pretty convincing. But then... continued

They’ve all been explained away. But look at them together and the truth becomes obvious.

April 18, 2011
This compilation of UFO video from the past year makes it abundantly clear that something very extraordinary is happening on earth at this time. Graded A. continued

This alien body image is very strange.

April 18, 2011
This could be a doll or a ceramic, but there is a very great deal of detail here. If this is fake. somebody worked very hard on it. continued