This video was made on May 15 by a sharp-eyed skywatcher in Melbourne. The object is moving too fast to be a bird, a radio-controlled model plane or a balloon. Brad Morris says of his video, "This shows what really happens when you’re in the air around a high activity zone..i also captured many saucers in the same cloud system yet to upload most of them…"

The object is very hard to see at normal speed, but Mr. Morris has done a good job of demonstrating its presence by using slow motion and screen grabs. This is most likely an unknown, and a reminder of how much of this must be going on worldwide, given how difficult it is to see and how most people have been conditioned to believe that these objects don’t exist. However, given their behavior, which hardly seems related at all to what ‘alien scientists’ might do observing us, the question must be asked: what are they doing? Why was this object even there? Certainly, no obvious purpose presents itself.

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Dreamland Video podcast
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