With a current exhibition at the Brattleboro Art Museum in Brattleboro, Vermont, Rachel Portesi discusses with Mia Feroleto the Divine Feminine and the role of the woman artist post Harvey Weinstein, #MeToo and Jeffrey Epstein. Her stunning photographs portray the Gaia Sophia wisdom and beauty within each woman and how she has fared during the time of the COVID virus in terms of creativity and consciousness.
More of Rachel’s work can be found at her website:

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Thank you Mia and Rachel! Nice interview!
I haven’t listened to this episode of New Directions, but I will, as soon as my family wraps up our response to a home burglary (we R OK, very little stolen, burglars in custody bc they resisted arrest, a big no-no).
According to US biostatistician Youyang Gu, his COVID-19 statistics website now shows his US herd immunity forecast where herd immunity is achieved by June into July 2021. (So far, his US pandemic forecasting has been superior, per The Economist magazine.) That data is on my COVID-19 thread on the UC Message Board. I wanted to make sure you’re aware of that forecast ASAP bc it may influence any conferences you might be planning for the coming summer into fall.
Have happy winter holidays, and a better New Year.
Thanks, this is very helpful. I did see the forecast you put up. I am going to make sure it gets spread around the community. A lot of people are wondering when it will be safe to do conferences again.