Whitley Strieber offers for our subscribers a “traveling” meditation that uses the energy of the galactic center in the same manner that it was used in ancient times, to accelerate consciousness. He says this about this new meditation, number 11 in the series available to our subscribers: “This meditation, more than any of the others, enlists the imagination as a tool. In the past, it was clearly understood that the capacity of the human mind to create interior images was a highly energetic tool. Recently, though, we have forgotten how to use this tool and it has been allowed to degenerate into a flaccid source of fantasy. The imagination is one of the great and powerful tools of the human mind, and this meditation returns it to its rightful place at the center of real inner search.”

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1 Comment

  1. This is wonderful. I can’t
    This is wonderful. I can’t thank you enough, Whitley.

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