is featuring Whitley as Author of the Month for May, and you can read one of the most intense passages from A New World right on Graham’s site. This passage, called “The Fields of Asphodel” concerns an epic three-day experience Whitley had on the Lakota Sioux Pine Ridge Reservation last July. For the three days he was there, he literally lived in 2 versions of the world at the same time. Day and night for that period, when he closed his eyes, he could see another version of wherever he was at the time. The detail was incredible and the passage is some of his most powerful and intense writing.

The material about why the parallel universe he was seeing might actually be real is startling, made the more so by a report in the April 11-17 issue of the New Scientist, soon to be covered in our news area, that strong evidence has been found that this other universe is real and occupies a different version of the same space we do, just as Whitley saw.

Don’t miss the amazing excerpt, and if you don’t have A New World, you can order it right from Graham’s site.

To go to Whitley’s page on Graham’s site, click here.

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  1. I just finished reading Graham Hancock’s latest book, America Before, my first dive into his work and it was so provocative and paradigm shifting for me and my narrow views on early civilizations. Can’t get enough of him. And now this! So cool!

  2. “EXCELLENT.”  It appears that Graham Hancock has posted the entire Chapter Four, “The Fields of Asphodel.” So glad he did this, it is such a WONDERFUL book/account. I have so much respect for Graham Hancock and his wife Santha, they have contributed so much to research and our understanding of the ancient world.

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