Italy has its own version of terrorist attacks: theCuccina (kitchen) bomber, who puts his bombs in food. His latestattack was discovered when a jar of Nutella (a chocolate nutspread popular in Europe) exploded in a kitchen in Venice.
When Pamela Martinello unscrewed the lid on a new jar ofNutella, she heard a ticking sound and ran away just beforeit exploded. This has been going on for 2 years now, and thepolice are still baffled.
In November 2000, a woman who lives near Venice bought atube of mayonnaise (which often comes in a tube, rather thana jar, in Europe) that was unusually heavy and hard. Itturned out to be wired with explosives.
Just a few days before that, a woman lost her thumb and twofingers when a tube of tomato paste blew up in her kitchenin another town near Venice. That same month, a workmanescaped injury after he noticed a wire protruding from abooby-trapped egg he had bought at a grocery store.
Police are investigating more than 20 cases of the bomber?shandiwork, involving pipe bombs or wired food purchased ingrocery stores. All of these appear to be the work of thesame person.
Police have released an Identikit picture of man in his 30swith short, black hair. Police searched for Ted Kasczynski,the U.S. Unabomber, for over 18 years. His letter bombskilled 3 people and injured more than 20 others. In 1998, hewas given 4 life sentences.
Is our world heading for more violence or a time of peace?Learn to read the signs from ?Exploring Scrying? by AmbroseHawk and ?How to Read Signs & Omens? by SarvanandaBluestone,clickhere.
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