UFOs have been causing problems for CERN in the form of mysterious rapid beam lights dumping "dust particles" on the Collider. Strange things happened in the past as well: Thanks to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, the National Security Agency (NSA) has declassified a report from 1957 saying that 29 mysterious signals were received and verified as being "of extraterrestrial origin."
On the Before It’s News website, Terrence Aym writes that "a NSA specialist named Dr. Howard Campaigne was given the responsibility of choosing a cryptology team to work on cracking the alien messages. The task was compartmentalized and many who worked at the NSA had no idea that such a project–or even the messages the team focused upon–existed.
"Although many of the documents they received were heavily redacted with page after page blacked out, several separate documents that were released from the NSA contained snippets of information–clues–that some sort of alien message had been intercepted during the late 1950s."
This document has been dismissed as a cryptography exercise, but the details were never released, nor has the actual signal been made public. The document was released on the NSA website, so there is no question of its authenticity. To read it for yourself, click here.
We can guess why they don’t reveal themselves openly, but they HAVE been "visiting" individuals for many years. We’re not sure that the Visitors are from another planet (they may be from a parallel universe), but we know they’re HERE because Anne Strieber has interviewed a large group of "contactees" (in a totally unique repository of information) about their experiences told IN THEIR OWN WORDS. If you subscribe today, you can listen to all of these fascinating conversations!
The lonely young singer named Melody was visited, but not by an alien: Her lover was mysterious boy who seemed to live within the walls of her high-rise apartment building. Anne thought of the idea and Whitley wrote the book and YOU can get it in your local bookstore on December 5th or pre-order it now!
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