Susumu Tachi, who invented a cloak that makes its wearer “invisible,” now plans to develop technology that will allow people to see through walls. He says, “My short term goal would be?to make a room that has no outside windows appear to have a view to the outside, then the wall would appear to be invisible.”
The cloak works by projecting an image onto itself of what is behind the wearer, making him seem invisible. It’s made of a new fabric called retro-reflectum. “This material allows you to see a three-dimensional image,” says Tachi. Aside from startling other pedestrians, the cloak can be used by spies. The invisible walls could be used by pilots to see through the floor of the cockpit to the runway below.
But just like guns, invisibility will undoubtedly get into the wrong hands. For instance, shoplifters could use it to stow stolen items underneath their clothes.
Just because we can’t see something, doesn’t mean it isn’t here.
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