Invisibility cloaking is no longer the stuff of science fiction: two researchers in The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering have demonstrated an effective invisibility cloak that is thin, scalable and adaptive to different types and sizes of objects.

Professor George Eleftheriades and PhD student Michael Selvanayagam have designed and tested a new approach to cloaking—by surrounding an object with small antennas that collectively radiate an electromagnetic field. The radiated field cancels out any waves scattering off the cloaked object. Their paper ‘Experimental demonstration of active electromagnetic cloaking’ appears today in the journal Physical Review X.
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Up until now, the invisibility cloaks have been bulky contraptions–not easy to slip on and off for people who want to role play Harry Potter. However, researchers have now developed a cloak that is just micrometers thick.

Objects are detected when waves–whether they are sound, light, x-rays or microwaves– rebound off its surface. The reason we see objects is because light rays bounce off their surface towards our eyes and our eyes are able to process the information.

While previous cloaking studies have used metamaterials to bend the incoming waves around an object, this new method uses an ultrathin metallic screen to cancel out the waves as they are scattered off the cloaked object.
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Great strides are being made, when it comes to creating invisibility.

Baile Zhang, a scientist from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, caused his audience to gasp when he demonstrated the following experiment: He used a small box made of calcite optical crystal to bend light around an object, making anything placed behind the box invisible to people watching the demonstration

The March 1st edition of the Telegraph quotes Zhang as saying he created the device "just for fun. I just think the idea is cool. Plus, I hope this work will demonstrate that simple tools can sometimes fulfill important functions that previously required complicated methods.
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How can we protect our soldiers? Make them invisible! The US military is developing "Quantum Stealth" camouflage uniforms that can make soldiers completely invisible by bending light waves around them. This fabric can even fool night vision goggles.

In the December 10th edition of the Daily Mail, Damien Gayle reports that "its development is apparently so secret the Canadian company behind it says it cannot even show the technology in action and offers only mock ups of its effect on their website."
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