One of the first cases of bird flu in poultry in the UnitedStates has been found in ducks living on a pond in New YorkState. This has caused South Korea to halt the importationof poultry from New York. Bird flu originated and isepidemic in Asia. While the strain of bird flu infecting theducks is not a virus that can infect humans, it coulddevelop into one.
The strain infecting the New York ducks is called H7N2. Somevarieties of the H7 virus can be easily transmitted from onehuman to another, but so far, it usually causes only a mildcase of the flu.
You may worry about catching bird flu (and you should), butyou haven’t heard anything until you’ve learned about Mary,Ferrie and theMonkeyVirus! This popular book is out of print, but the author,Ed Haslam, makes up special copies just for our customers.
Subscribers: Youcan still listen to this fascinating Dreamland interview byguest host Jim Marrs?and you can download it to an MP3 discfor easy listening away from your computer!
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