This week on Dreamland, we concentrate on Hurricane Katrina?but in ways you will not hear anywhere else. First, we talk to weather expert Scott Stevens, who says that since the Russian deployment of the so-called “Woodpecker Grid” of radio frequencies on July 4, 1976, there has been intentional interference with and control of weather phenomena. Then we talk to geologist Timothy Kusky, the St. Louis University professor who predicted the Kartinascenario in 2003. He tells us just exactly what happened and what to expect in terms of recovery from this disaster. Because of the Labor Day Holiday, this show is available for listening right now. Just click “Listen Now” on our masthead. To download a free copy of Windows Media player, click on “Listening Problems.”

Kusky makes a careful and chilling case that some of the odd movements of Hurricane Katrina were related to the use of these processes. He claims that, even beyond global warming, weather modification may be playing a hidden role in the recent upsurge in horrendous storms worldwide. What is weather modification, a process that has been worked on in secret by both Russia and the United States for at least thirty years? Could some unknown party, using weather modification techniques, be affecting weather in the South Atlantic? Scott Stevens promises a most provocative interview. His website is

Then we talk to geologist Timothy Kusky, the St. Louis University professor who predicted this scenario in 2003. He tells us just exactly what happened and what to expect in terms of recovery from this disaster. This is solid science reporting at its best, that cuts right through the hysteria to the heart of the matter. Our science reporter Linda Howe is taking the week off to speak at a conference in Hollywood.

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