Anne Strieber’s newest diary starts with these lines: “After a group meeting, an acolyte once asked his teacher, ‘Why do you always say the same thing?’ The guru’s reply: ‘Because you haven’t heard me yet.'” Then she goes on to tell about all the portents she’s been seeing lately, including a reminder of the angel she met in a Kinko’s copy shop. Don’t miss this one…and come meet Anne in person at our Dreamland Festival! She will be giving away copies of her Green Man diaries that are suitable for framing to the first 40 attendees she sees who are wearing GREEN!

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Anne’s diary is dated Wednesday and if you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already learned about it! To sign up, click here (and we NEVER share you email address with anyone).

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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