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Ever since the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin and the subsequent destruction of the Knights Templar, it has been known that survivors took an enormous treasure with them when they escaped from France to Scotland.

Listen as legendary Templar Master William F. Mann takes us on what has become for him a life quest in search of that treasure.

This interview is an all-time classic Dreamland, as Whitley lets William weave his tale of highest adventure that leads not to traditional locations such as the “Money Pit” on Oak Island in Newfoundland, but deep into the American heartland and the world of Native American lore and legend.

Will William find the Templar Treasure? Has he already found it?? Listen and find out!

Learn more about William at

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  1. I was born in Texas, and also
    I was born in Texas, and also very familiar with San Antonio, in Bexar (pronounced ‘bay-har’) county. Of course, most of us pronounce it incorrectly, as ‘bear’. (Texas should probably be called ‘Tay-has’, but hey, we do things our own way here!). The feast of St. Anthony happens to be on June 13, the same day as Whitley’s birthday! San Antonio is a city in Texas with its own distinct energy, one that is both warm, light, and friendly, but if there is a Templar treasure, I can’t visualize it there, although it would be cool from the point of view of a Native Texan in terms of historical significance. While The Alamo sits right in the middle of a bustling city, archaeological digging is ongoing in the downtown area around The Alamo. And there is something special about it, beyond the battle for independence from Mexico that occurred there, and as Whitley will attest, it is truly sacred ground ( To put this in perspective, my then 16-year-old son sat down and had a good cry after touring the grounds of The Alamo. My son, even as a baby, rarely cried, and is quite the stoic) If you go back and to the first crop formation meditation that Whitley did several years ago, you will see that it is referred to as ‘The Open Doors’, and indeed there are several doors in that formation, but there is something else—a checkerboard ‘floor’. A checkerboard floor is closely affiliated with Masonry, and many lodges have black and white checkerboard floors. How Whitley decided that ‘The Open Doors’ would be the first of the this series of meditations connects to The Alamo and a structure called ‘The Arcade’, and a specific photo taken there several years ago. So, I totally understand why Whitley is drawn to ‘Bexar’ as the site of the Templar Treasure…And he might be on to something in his suggestion that the treasure is in San Antonio.

    Wonderful interview, full of insights, and new information, and I enjoyed it immensely!

  2. Another wonderful show and
    Another wonderful show and arriving at such a significant time for so many people.

    With regard to the ridiculous snub-nosed racist issue; they’re not even living in the past. The Templars, and everyone else who fled the CT, (the terrible inversion), lived in the real world, where one looked into the eyes of another person. Someone once said, I forget whom, that when you look into the eyes of an animal, someone looks back.

    The Templars may have been a bit smelly, just like everyone else in the world. They may have had bad days, just like everyone else. I bet though, that when they met the native tribes, that they understood that they were looking into the eyes of their fellow man and wanted to move forward with them.

    Here’s a little gem from a British childhood that I hope you will enjoy:


  3. Thanks for the link Von
    Thanks for the link Von Hausenberg, that brings back fond memories and brought a wide smile to my face. “As if by magic, the shopkeeper appears”…seems like the fezz-wearing owner was selling more than just costumes in that shop of his, based on Mr. Benn’s trips! Is it just me, or did quite a few of these classic kids programs seem to have some kind of trippy drug-based origin?…I’m thinking mainly of ‘The Magic Roundabout’ but ‘Chorlton and the Wheelies’ and a few others (including Mr Benn) spring to mind.

    Now on to listening to Dreamland…

  4. My father was Chippewa and
    My father was Chippewa and French Canadian (Cathar) and I am fascinated by the Templar. In fact, in 2nd grade I would obsessively draw Templar flags all over the display we made on the black board for “Columbus” day. When studying Art History in college I relished the professor’s discussions of Poussin. I have immediately purchased Mr. Mann’s book and cannot wait to read it!!

  5. This show resonates with my
    This show resonates with my soul. The Templars have always fascinated me. THANK YOU!

  6. please…….oak island is in
    please…….oak island is in nova scotia…….
    from a bluenoser….

  7. I am glad anne is becoming
    I am glad anne is becoming more focused. I hope she will give whitley and us some wise and clear ideas to create a better transition for our lives and afterlife.

  8. A Templar / Native
    A Templar / Native descendant? – This reminds me of the Master of the Key. Canadian who pays no taxes??
    That was my instinctive feeling upon listening to this awesome Dreamland

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