Gnosticism expert Peter Canova joins Whitley to do a deep dive into the incredible connections between ancient Gnostic ideas and modern physics. The result is an eerie, completely fascinating show that makes you wonder not only what they knew but how and why we lost that knowledge, for much of it is fragmentary and some may be held secret.
This is a classic example of how our host can turn a very complex subject into a riveting story and leaves you full of new knowledge–especially when he has an expert like Peter Canova answering those great Whitley questions!
This one will really make you think–about who you are, what we are, and how we can empower ourselves in some completely new ways. Ancient knowledge was and is powerful stuff, and the key to using it to empower your own life is real understanding.
Enjoy the show!
You can learn more about Peter, his work and his podcast at PeterCanova.com.
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This conversation was absolutely wonderful!
I have shelves full of books on quantum physics—and Gnosticism, so I totally understood and had a good working knowledge of all that was being said. Oddly enough, there is a page on my old website that talks about Richard Feynman ( I was fortunate enough to hear him him speak in high school), and I also talk about Carl Jung on that page as well. During the discussion, I wondered, “When are they going to talk about the Cathars and the Templars?”, but I got ahead of the conversation! What I really enjoyed was not only Canova’s very broad knowledge, but how adept he was at explaining and describing ALL of it… But, Whitley and Canova totally missed out on a chance to make a joke about Schroedinger’s cat. 😁
‘Gnosis’ is a Greek word meaning knowledge. So many people these days seem to think that acquiring important knowledge, of all kinds, stops once the degree is in hand. I don’t know if it is due to sheer laziness or a total lack of interest, or because they may feel a need to let others be in charge of the narrative of the way things are. I’ve had a few people ask me, “Why this burning need to know? What’s the deal?” I can’t explain it, but I have always been this way, and the more I know, the more I want to know.
For those who want to get a taste of what Gnosticism is about, there is a great website about Gnosticism, glorian.org. Even better, except for things like books in their store, everything is free, including free courses and lectures. It’s a beautiful site!
This ‘Dreamland’ was stellar!
AGREE Cosmic Librarian
What I like about the entire ( one of the top 5 for DL for 2023) discussion was that it was presented in linear time and we saw how it developed. I have books of Gnostic thought and Templars etc.. but never put them in this order and the evolution was explained so clearly- even the tough subjects. I will get this book! Quantum as applied !
5 star!
I find it hard to believe that anybody’s ancient myths — whether Gnostic, orthodox Christian, Hindu or Navajo — can tell us much about the true nature of reality, especially cosmic and micro reality. And how did these ancient people arrive at these beliefs? Probably downing the local entheogens! The results of science are quantifiably, if not qualitatively, different, and that is the result of 500 years of thinking LOGICALLY, not feeling INTUITEVLY. It’s not popular to say this today, when some people believe that chunks of stone have feelings, but I don’t think the Universe gives a damn about us. It’s never given a damn about ME!
I guess, more importantly: Do you give a damn about you?
I can understand the frustration you seem to be feeling about the whole ‘esoteric community’ (for lack of a better term). It is very much bent toward taking unproven things as completely factual without really evaluating them rationally – and in this community it seems almost anything goes no matter how contradictory it might be both externally and/or internally. Don’t get me wrong, personally I have a mystical view of life – including the acquisition of knowledge from mystical sources – but we need to apply some logical thought to them and not be afraid of questioning things that don’t make alot of sense simply to save someone embarrassment or whatever reason. I find that the culture in general has been going further and further into this effeminate/feminine sensibility over the course of the last few decades-a development that I don’t see as positive.
note that by “in this community” above, I was referring to the esoteric community as a whole and not the unknowncountry community in particular.
“I find that the culture in general has been going further and further into this effeminate/feminine sensibility over the course of the last few decades-a development that I don’t see as positive.”
I feel that statement needs more clarification. Please elaborate on exactly what you mean by “effeminate/feminine sensibility “.
Where are we with 500 years of one sided living: the planet is on fire and the nuclear arsenals of suicide are growing.
Listen to the great physicists and most will talk about the primacy of intuition. Einstein definitely was vocal about this. We need balance. We need both sides of our brain to be whole and heal the mess we are in.
I enjoyed this show, especially the discussion about projection of intent, albeit peripheral. Shamans and Nagualin are all around us, we just have to enjoy the theatre of it all.
I understand Mr Strieber is visiting the UK later this year. Might I suggest visiting the Templar cave in Royston (nr Cambridge)? Not an easy place to get permission to see but I’m sure the Maid of May would reach out and offer a loughty bow of understanding.
This was more than enlightening and informative. It has lleft me wanting much more like this.
Great guest, Whitley.. please have him back and more guests like him. Please…
WRITER11…..I totally agree with you.
“It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
While we can perhaps all potentially reach “Christ consciousness” if we do enough meditation and virtuous thoughts and actions, nevertheless i believe Jesus/Yeshua, Gautama Buddha, Krishna, Moses, Mohammad, White Buffulo Calf Woman, the Great Peace Maker, the Báb, Bahá’u’lláh etc were all at a level that wether we’ve reached Christ consciousness or not we still won’t ever be able to get to an equal level to any of the Manifestations of the Unknowable Source.
Christianity had been gaining a lot of leverage prior to Constantine, with gangs suppressing Eleusian mystery rituals, pushing for laws to suppress the pagan religions, ironically. Constantine’s mother Helen was a Celtic Christian in Britain and he was maybe influenced by her faith along with his desire to align himself with the growing sect.
This is full of common knowledge accessible for decades now in a plethora of other books, misconceptions and broad generalizations as well as eye-roll worthy cliches. Truly a postmodern hodge-podge. Nevertheless, Whitley is able to be authentic, genuine, and humble as always, which I appreciate.
This was a great show, thanks.
This was really one of the best episodes. Peter Canova’s work is strikingly similar to Nigel Kerner’s.
Whitley did you draw any similarities between the two? Do you think Peter’s hypothesis corroborates the notion that the greys might be a lower frequency AI being that is trying to hack on to our divine lineage to the divine?
I think it’s important to hypothesize but not to decide. That said, there are some similarities, yes, but Peter is more ambiguous about his conclusions.