Dr. Schwartz candidly discusses the challenges as well as the rewards of connecting with Spirit. He poses several important questions. What if our feelings of emptiness, loneliness, hopelessness, and meaninglessness are actually fostered by our belief in a “spiritless” Universe? What if our physical hunger is symptomatic of a greater spiritual hunger? What if Spirit is actually all around us, ready to fill us with energy, hope, and direction, if we are ready to ingest it? What if Spirit is like air and water, readily available for us to draw within; that is, if we choose to seek it?
Do not miss this illuminating and empowering discussion between Marla Frees and Dr. Schwartz, and don’t miss his new book The Sacred Promise. His website is Dr.GarySchwartz.com.
Marla Frees’ is a leading psychic. You can contact her on her website, MarlaFrees.com.
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It can be hard to control the
It can be hard to control the direction of Ones life. Don Juan tells Carlos to choose “the road with a heart”. I wonder if this road is too hard for us still. Two “scalpels” discussing the way ahead – as allways I find myself trying to push my mind.
Yes, Frek, the path of heart
Yes, Frek, the path of heart is so often a good guide in life. Additionally, combining controlled abandon with stalking the spirit can open doors that lead to new and vibrant vistas. It is good to see fellow nagualists here.
I “third” that…I’m a huge
I “third” that…I’m a huge Castaneda fan; Castaneda, Strieber and Tolle are my three fave authors, have been for a long time.
from this weeks post
from this weeks post Dreamland special interview.
Whitley Strieber said “a few people will be prepared for it. and out of their balance, that they will maintain, across the bridge of this change. There will eventually become focus for the whole species.” Talking about the potential sudden evolutionary shift for humanity.
My question is : Are the few people that are spoken of here, in balance in the present reality? I ask as someone that feels deeply unbalanced in the present reality. Once heard someone ask the question”Is it a good thing to be well adjusted in a sick world?” Just curious. Thank you.
Yes curious here also. I
Yes curious here also. I wonder if Strieber and Schwartz feels that the road ahead for humans is through the world of dead spirits. I wouldn’t call that a path of heart but that is just my opinion as a non abductee, curious listener/reader. I have an uneasy feeling about the ordinary world, things seem to go the wrong way allways.
Why haven’t I ever read
Why haven’t I ever read anything concerning the unbelievable similarities between the body of work created by Castaneda and the complete copy of work by Dan Millman? Same catch phrases, same pretty turned words….Same humble bum who turns out to be some sort of sage, metaphysical tsunami of knowledge and know how. lol People are snapping up Millman’s series, I dont sense Millman ever had those experiences.
I’m not sure how much of
I’m not sure how much of Castaneda’s later book are for real either. There was some debunking by Richard DeMille. One never knows. The joy of reading Castaneda’s work is there 100% though. It’s just fascinating even if it is partly imagination.
Look into Tom Brown Jr.s,
Look into Tom Brown Jr.s, “The Vision”. He also has some other very interesting books.
this site has been a very
this site has been a very special place to me over the years..but i’m creeped out by marla frees-the addition of this failed actress turned charlatan medium has really thrown me for a loop-especially after seeing her perform live&in action last year-just saying..