Whitley interviews Chetan Parkyn about his new book the Book of Destinies, written with Carola Eastwood, which offers a novel method of gaining insight into one’s life purpose.
We go on a remarkable life journey with Chetan that starts with a powerful interaction with the spirit of his dead father that takes him on an entirely new path of life. From there, we travel with him across Asia as he goes from being an engineer to the driver of the legendary Magic Bus that started in Europe and ended in India.
We share his empowering life adventure as he discovers the concept of human design in India and reconstructs it for the western mind.
Then, in the second half of the show, Whitley and Chetan share with us Whitley’s own Human Design chart and we discover the uncanny ways in which it reveals his life plan and his deep aim.
Dreamland high adventure on the track of the secrets of the soul!
You can get your own Human Design chart free of charge on Chetan and Carola’s website HumanDesignforUsAll.com. Please note that you will receive follow-up emails from Human Design soliciting further involvement. You may unsubscribe from follow-up emails when you receive them if you don’t wish to take advantage of their offers. To go directly to the free chart offer, click here.
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Using Chetan and Carola’s
Using Chetan and Carola’s Human Design Chart in conjunction with using the Path of the Tarot, seems to be the ultimate road map for souls on Earth–to me, at least. I went and tried out the free chart, and subsequently bought The Book of Destinies. It is, indeed, very, very accurate in describing me, based on my birth time and location.