Dreamland this week: David Metcalfe is a brilliant polymath whose explorations of the UFO/UAP/ET phenomenon (phenomena??) are among the deepest you are going to find. If you look him up on Google or DuckDuckGo, you will find that he is a fictional character in a British soap opera called Emmerdale. BUT he is ALSO a real person (whatever that means) who pursues his search for the truth at his very engaging website, DavidMetcalfe.Wordpress.com.
This interview is one of the most provocative, fun and deep ones that Whitley has done this year, so prepare to be swept away by a great conversation about UFO/UAP/ET reality and what things like the Threat Assessment and our long history of confusion, disquiet and excitement about these wonderful mysteries really mean.
Be prepared to explore the REASONS that the UFO phenomenon is happening, what it has to do with black magic, white magic, good, evil and the fundamental nature of the human experience.
David is a total original, and his insights are POWERFUL. This is his first visit to Dreamland, but it won’t be his last!
David not only thinks and blogs about all things weird and extraterrestrial, he’s an artist, and you can explore his collection of T-Shirts here.
WE HAVE A SAUCERS WILL KEEP THEIR SECRETS T-SHIRT (XL) TO GIVE AWAY. If you want to try for it, send your postal address to Whitley@Strieber.com with the subject heading T-Shirt. The drawing will be random, and will be held on Wednesday, July 21.
Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
Excellent Intelligent Conversation.
Why are we so dismissive of the ETH, which is the logical conclusion and explanation for many things seen in the sky, etc.? We have tales of shamans, yogis, and mystics as advanced human beings with miraculous abilities, why should we expect less from ET species who survived civilization adolescence and evolved beyond us for (many) thousands of years? What is physicality? I think it is a very persistent world view, mythology, and illusion (according to quantum science in an entangled conscious universe). I know the universe is mind bending in its vastness, but the presence of many ET beings is fairly obvious – so why confuse it?
That said, we must be careful to not confuse the spiritual reality, synchronicity, the dead, and everything unexplained as due to he presence of our galactic neighbors. What are we? Much more than physical bodies, well so are they. What assistance are we in Dire Need of? Getting to know what we really are as entwined and entangled consciousness beings and learning compassion and Love.
If they have another way of being, maybe when they close their eyes at night, they wake up into physicality…and if so, I wonder whether we fascinate and scare them in equal measure, as they do us when they haunt our skies and our dreams.
Sherbet, I don’t doubt it. 🙂
Interesting as always! What was the name of the Physics theory that explains long distance space travel better, that Whitley mentioned towards the end? In Frank Herbert’s DUNE novels space travel is also by “folding space” rather than Warp or Hyper… etc (new film version coming out on Oct.22!). Same director as ARRIVAL!
The “Randall-Sundrum model” …I don’t know anything about it, I just tracked down when Whitley spoke about it, at around 1:28
It looks like an insomniac’s dream – perfect bedtime reading!…
By the way, the new Dune movie(s) had better be worth the wait! The book represents some giant sized shoes to fill.
Thanks a lot Sherbet UFO! It’s a lot easier for me to catch it if i see it rather than just hearing it. As to Dune, true true! No movie will ever quite do the book justice, but this looks like its gonna be the best version yet made! I wonder if it was inspired not just by Lawrence of Arabia but also by The Dawn-Breakers: Nabíl’s Narrative of the Early Days of the Baháʼí Revelation (Maṭāleʻ al-anwār) or Nabíl’s Narrative (Táríkh-i-Nabíl) is an account of the early Bábí and Baháʼí Faiths written in Persian by Nabíl-i-Aʻzam in 1887–88. The English translation by Shoghi Effendi was published in 1932. Free version: ” https://bahai-library.com/nabil_dawnbreakers “.
Fear is the mindkiller…
In ‘Dune’, the Bene Gessirit were trained to master the Voice. I learned how to master it way back when I had kids . It works.
Heh, heh, right on!
Interesting point about possible problems for experiencers.
If you have been at this as long as I have, and with the sheer variety of experiences as I’ve had, this is the kind of talk that I crave to engage in. I, too, was reading about alchemy and studying science, as well as the flip-side of it, all at same time, starting as far back as 5th grade.
It’s helpful knowing there are others that have taken the same unusual path in life. Thank you!
I’m not sure what was happening but I was getting awful mumbly reception on all the recordings and couldn’t hear the interview comfortably. I’m not sure if it is my end or not. I’ll try again at another time. It seems interesting though.
When there are video broadcasts, Whitley’s microphone doesn’t sound so good. The guests sound fine though.
I agree… Whitley’s voice was difficult to hear at times, Lo-Fi and muffled, whereas in comparison, the guest’s voice was very clear. I’m not sure whether it is the microphone, or whether the software only recorded things from the guest’s end, rather than splicing together two sets of good audio from each side.
The feed is normal on our end. I would suggest you reboot your computer and be sure that your Internet connection is working properly. I am listening from Northern California and the signal is strong.
If there is nothing wrong with the software setup, then can I suggest Whitley invests in a new microphone(?) …as there was clearly an audio quality issue from Whitley’s side.
great guest.