It is the early summer of 1989. A total of seventeen people are at Whitley Strieber’s upstate New York cabin. In the hallway facing two downstairs bedrooms is a low light video camera, set to run all night. In one bedroom is Raven Dana, in the other Lorie Barnes. Both Raven and Lorie have been invited to come to the cabin by Anne Strieber. Based on her reading of many accounts of close encounter, she is reasonably sure that both of them have had experiences similar to Whitley’s.
During the evening, the group makes a dangerous trek in the rain to a nearby cave where Whitley, when he has gone alone, has sometimes met the visitors. They meditate in the cave, but nothing happens. Moving slowly along a rain-slick cliff, the group leaves the cave. Wet, cold and disappointed, they return to the cabin.
Whitley Strieber, his son, and two others sleep in the woods near the cabin. In addition to Lorie and Raven in the downstairs bedrooms, a filmmaker and his wife are on a convertible couch in the living room. There are more guests in the basement. Anne Strieber is upstairs in the master bedroom. The house is crowded.
Thus began one of the most incredible events ever to happen at the cabin, and now you can listen as Raven Dana and Lorie Barnes describe the encounters they had that night, which rank among the clearest such encounters ever recorded. Both women were wide awake when they happened. Neither was in any sort of an unusual mental state. Not only that, the experiences happened in sequence, as the visitor involved moved from one bedroom to the next.
Back when Whitley first took over Dreamland, Lorie and Raven were among the early guests. That program, however, was lost. Now, with many years of hindsight, they take us back to that night so long ago, when something that is supposed to be impossible happened.
The photo above was taken by Whitley Strieber the morning after Raven’s encounter. Her eyes are swollen from the allergic reaction that typically occured when people came into physical contact with the visitors. The amazed, almost ecstatic smile tells another part of this story. The rest of it you will hear on the show.
This edition of Dreamland will remain available free for two weeks instead of one.
Raven Dana is a life coach and the founder of StressWizardCoaching. She can be contacted at StressWizardCoaching.com.
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Close Encounters at Whitley
Close Encounters at Whitley Strieber’s Cabin: 2 Witnesses Speak Out…..
Whitley, I want to thank you for such a wonderful interview with Raven Dana and Lorie Barnes. It was so nice to actually hear their voices as they shared their experiences. It would also be nice if others who were at the cabin that night would come forward and talk about their experiences too. The smells, the vibratory sensations and strange wand all made me feel as though I were there. I can also imagine the state of fear.
Yes, very very interesting.
Yes, very very interesting. certainly goes some way to explaining waking with streaming eyes and nose. Hmm, must ponder this.
too bad Wm Burroughs did not
too bad Wm Burroughs did not have a naked lunch across the wounded galaxies with the visitors.
For those that do not know
For those that do not know about mythical stories, can u suggest any books about Horus?
found this:
I was so glad when Lorie
I was so glad when Lorie mentioned that her descriptions of the visitors, from when she was pregnant, was based on “what she could relate to”. That is all I can say about the descriptions I used to describe what I saw, in what my mother termed as a “dream”, which occured when I was 9 years old. It was a description based on things a 9 year old could relate to, like “Boris” off of Rockey and Bullwinkle and “Frankie” off of Frankenberry cereal commercials.
The eye of Horus, Im thinking
The eye of Horus, Im thinking might have been a reference to the third eye/pineal gland.
Also, perhaps seeing the deceased/ghosts or whatever the case might be during encounters is not necessarily a “connection” to the visitors, but an unintended result of the change of vibrational density that fascilitates the latter.
-Just food for thought.
Is Raven related to Anne?
Is Raven related to Anne?
She looks very much like a youngrer version of Anne…I think the fullness of Ravens hairstyle makes her look younger than anne. hmmmm