Not only did Columbus not discover America, you cannot understand the modern world unless you understood who came here before and why, and why it was that Columbus came, and what secrets he sought.
Carl Lehrburger has spent the past 25 years traveling to sacred and archaeological sites throughout the Americas in search of the truth about our past. In the process, he has made some truly startling discoveries about, for example, the true purpose of the Great Serpent Mound in Ohio and many other sites.
Why did they come here? What made them leave? Is there a hidden danger here, something we should know? Take this provocative journey with Carl Lehrburger and Whitley Strieber.
Visit Carl at NewHistoryofAmerica.com
Dreamland Video podcast
To watch the FREE video version on YouTube, click here.Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
I love this idea of a vintage
I love this idea of a vintage program that complements the current one. Thank you again!
Whitley and Greg Little,
Whitley and Greg Little, thank you for this surprise gift. For me this is one of the best interviews EVER. Subscribers do not miss it.
O boy do I ever agree, the
O boy do I ever agree, the vintage Dreamland was pure Magic to listen to, aside from the amazing interview, I just love the longer music interludes..the longer format..and I even love the slightly scratchy sound of this vintage gem!!
I’m curious if Mr. Lehrburger
I’m curious if Mr. Lehrburger knows Greg Little? I remember the old Dreamland show, but if these two are not talking to one another, they should get together and make it happen. Much of what Mr. Lehrburger said in this interview dovetails closely with Greg’s ‘Path of Souls, The Native American Death Journey’. While listening to Dreamland, I ordered a copy of ‘Secrets of Ancient America’, and I look forward to reading it.
I have my own ‘memories’ of other lives lived as various Native Americans and ancient Egyptians too. One odd connection of note to my own odd recollections is of being someone that assisted with designing Serpent Mound based on some kind of spiritual technology. Adding to my unusual recollections is one of assisting Imhotep in attempting to recreate the technology of the Great Pyramid. Since Imhotep was supposedly the one that designed the first step-pyramid at Saqqara, this makes no sense, since the Step-Pyramid at Saqqara supposedly pre-dates the Great Pyramid by a few hundred years!
Very compelling and interesting interview!
Now it’s time to get back into my common, everyday persona as a public health specialist, mom, grandmother, and that quiet-lady-that-lives-down-the-street. I gotta write a book someday… 🙂
Just finished the 4th book of
Just finished the 4th book of the Convoluted Universe Series by Delores Cannon..Book 5 to be released in August..completed apparently before she crossed over in October..there is much information sprinkled through these regression tales about Egypt…who did what, and how it was done..as told by the spirit
Whitley and Carl Lehrburger,
Whitley and Carl Lehrburger, this has been an outstanding weekend for interviews…..THANK YOU
Just FYI, the low bandwidth
Just FYI, the low bandwidth file won’t load for me.