In 2022 Roberto Pinotti, the founder of the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research, broke the news that a UFO had crashed in Italy in 1933. Stunning the world with his excellent research, he showed that this event had happened, and that a 30 foot long UFO had ended up inread more

Kim Chestney has discovered how intuition can work with quantum indeterminacy to revolutionize a person’s life. In this amazing interview, she lays out just how this can be made to happen–how we can actually synchronize our minds with the fundamental indeterminacy of the universe to turn intuition into an astonishingread more

In this episode, guest host Kelly Chase brings you a conversation with the brilliant UFO researcher, historian, author, and beloved member of UAP Media UK, Graeme Rendall. Graeme is the author of several books focused on historical UFO cases from the 1940s and 1950s including UFOs Before Roswell: European Fooread more