I am pretty sure that exceptional heating is going to spread across the US quite suddenly in the next few weeks. The deep winter will give way to a very hot summer. The same effect will take place across other great continental land masses in the northern hemisphere. Siberia and Canada might also see dramatic summer heat, followed by another extreme winter next year.
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Now here comes a spectacle of lameness from the Discovery people. The gent penning the article linked below actually invokes a MUFON representative as some sort of legitimate authority! Nowhere does he explain how it would be that 3 videos taken from different locations by different people would happen to show perfectly rendered versions of the same incident, correct in every angular detail. It is also more than a little frightening that the hoaxed "American" video was posted even before most of the likely legitimate ones. Somebody very powerful REALLY doesn’t want people to believe that a UFO would single out the Dome of the Rock. Could there be a message here that the powers that be do not like, namely that the three great religions that venerate that spot can live in harmony.read more

Scroll down in the link to read the article in English. They talk about reading textbooks while sleeping. Fair enough. But what about, say, Finnegan’s Wake or the Mabinogion, or perhaps the Book of Kells? I’d like to be able to quote the Book of Kells in casual conversation, not to mention "A way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s, from swerve of shore to bend of bay…" Well, I can quote that, but still: http://bit.ly/f3Synhread more