I am pretty sure that exceptional heating is going to spread across the US quite suddenly in the next few weeks. The deep winter will give way to a very hot summer. The same effect will take place across other great continental land masses in the northern hemisphere. Siberia and Canada might also see dramatic summer heat, followed by another extreme winter next year.
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The increased output from the
The increased output from the sun in the form of sunspots, prominences, and cornonal mass ejecta (not to mention its own spiritual consciousness) is amplifying your statement manyfold. The increase in human economic, political, and spiritual tension worldwide and Mother Gaia’s increasingly angry responses would seem to only exacerbate the ominous forecast as we peer into the chaotic maw of the oncoming vortex that is 2012.
This has already happened
This has already happened here in Alabama, and I’m certain it will spread north rapidly as well.