I must admit that I have been deeply shocked by a story that appeared today on my website, to the effect that the BBC reported the collapse of WTC Building 7 23 minutes before it actually took place. Previously, the BBC claimed that it had lost all of its 9/11 coverage, but this video has now surfaced. I watched it myself, and sat there with my blood literally running cold as I saw their reporter saying that Building 7 had collapsed while it was still visible behind her, perfectly intact.

Now, why wasn’t this just a simple mistake? CNN was reporting rumors that Building 7 might be about to collapse an hour before it happened.
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As I write this, there is a phenomenal story on Unknowncountry.com that discusses the terrible weather presently sweeping the whole western world, literally from California to Poland. This is the closest we have ever come to a superstorm, and it comes a few weeks after a disturbing event involving the Gulf Stream. (To read the story, click here.) Quite plainly, the world’s system of currents is changing, possibly collapsing, and it is possible that there is an as yet undocumented connection between the unusually harsh weather and current changes.
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I have been boggled by the number of high strangeness events being reported on my website recently. There are mysterious bird deaths and strange meteors all over the world, and a sudden odor of gas in the New York/New Jersey area that frightened millions of people. And these are just a few of the high-strangeness events that are being reported. We are still getting a steady flow of emails about people seeing openings in the air with other worlds visible in them, or strange geometric shapes floating through their yards, etc. Plus, there are UFO stories coming in from all over the place, more, at least being reported to our website, than we have ever seen before.

It’s just plain weird, and if you stay with me fasten your seatbelt, because I’m about to make it even weirder.read more

Note: I have changed the title of this journal entry from “The Triumph of Mankind” because a number of readers do not appear to understand that the title contains a degree of irony. I will also quote a paragraph from deeper in the journal, which many readers apparently do not see: “This doesn’t mean that our problems aren’t real. They most certainly are, and any number of them are likely to give us trouble in the future. I think that the environmental problem is especially dangerous and immediate.”

Now, I’ll repeat the journal as it was written:

It’s worth remembering, especially as a new year begins, that our world is not all doom and gloom. Far from it, the human experience, for the most part, has never been better.
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