As I discussed in my Night Thoughts audio file, my mind is changing. An example of what is happening came the other day when Anne and I were at lunch with Dreamland co-host Marla Frees.

Marla asked me what was happening to me, and I replied that I seemed to have acquired a vast store of memories from the past. Not “big” memories, but the same sort of little bits and pieces we collect in our everyday lives. But for what seemed like hundreds of lives.

As I spoke, I saw one of them in my mind’s eye: a woman leaning over and lighting a candle. I described it and then said that I had no idea of any context. It was simply there, like what appears to be thousands and thousands of others.
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Unfortunately, the financial crisis may not be over, and it is to be hoped that, this time, it can be handled correctly. The bailouts did not fail, but the cost was enormous and unnecessary. It was probably the least efficient possible means of correcting the situation.

The crucial mistake was made by the Bush Administration when it began providing gigantic cash infusions to destroyed banks. Unfortunately, Obama was in no position to change this policy, and he has continued it.
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Normally, I don’t write journals about political matters. That isn’t what this website is for, and I want people of every political persuasion to be comfortable here. Of course, the people of the extreme left and the extreme right are never comfortable anywhere that every detail of their ideology isn’t served, so they don’t count. But certainly, liberals, moderates and conservatives deserve to be comfortable. I have not seen any evidence that people suffering abductions and close encounters are exclusively limited to any one political ideology, and our responsibility is to provide a forum that reflects that.
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Americans have always assumed that first open contact will unfold in the United States. In fact, this has never been a very likely scenario, not from the time that the US military began shooting at UFOs back in the forties. Also, the US population is heavily armed and full of people whose ideologies and beliefs make them unpredictable.

The visitors can avoid attack reasonably effectively when they are prepared, but in a situation where they are attempting open face-to-face contact, they are vulnerable. Therefore, the first place that this contact might take place has to be chosen carefully.
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