Art Bell was one of my dearest and oldest friends. We had not spoken together for about a month before he died, but the friendship remained strong. I can recall how we first met. Through my publicist, he sent me a tape of his late night show, which was then in the process of breaking out into a national phenomenon. He had heard me on Larry King’s old late night radio show on the Mutual Network.

I don’t remember what subject was covered on the tape, but Anne and I both loved the ambience of the show, its sense of mystery and excitement, and Art’s voice. I agreed to be a guest, which was the beginning of a long association with the show and a deep friendship between me, Art, his first wife Ramona and my wife Anne.
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I have been trying for weeks to understand how to write this. I’ve decided that I’ll put it off forever unless I just plunge in. It’s complex because there are a number of different layers. First, there is my relationship with the visitors. Second, it is what they–and we–are. Third, it is what I have learned from them about the future.

Anne is deeply involved in all this, but not as the person she was. As she has said, "I’m not Anne anymore, but I’ll always be Anne for you, Whitley." I have learned much about the truth of that statement in recent weeks. I have seen the being that projected Anne into the time stream and fallen in love in a whole new way. In fact, I see this being all the time.
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Starting in December of last year, the US Department of Defense began officially releasing video of UFO encounters recorded by fighter pilots on advanced imaging devices of various kinds. As soon as it started to happen, I wondered if the terror I experienced in the years after I published Communion would return and sure enough, that’s exactly what seems to have happened.

I am not talking about terror having to do with the visitors. I’ve long since made an accommodation with them. While I wouldn’t deny that they have done things that are terrifying, including to me, my life with them is not like that now. I stuck with it and gradually came to what I have now, which is useful to me on many, many different levels.
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Unknowncountry is not a political website, but in politically charged times like these, the site is being held to political account. So I’d like to outline exactly where it does stand.
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