The new Unknowncountry website was just about to be deployed when it was hacked and nearly destroyed. As it was on a hidden domain, it was not easy to find, but I do think that we are up against some people who really do not like the message I am delivering. That message could not be more clear: we are not alone, we have souls and how we live matters to us individually and to the place of mankind in the universe.
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Anne did something truly amazing on Tuesday evening, which was to arrange what will be my first birthday party in at least 20 years. I am not much of a party person and usually just celebrate quietly with my family. She always thought that this was not enough, and used to throw parties for me. Incredibly, she has done this again, and from the other side, and very cleverly.
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On Friday this website published a story about mysterious booms in Pennsylvania  that was he only story on the subject in the world that discussed the long history of such events and correctly identified them as being caused by rapid descent from above. At the same time, new data appeared regarding the UFO that was observed on Navy radar and reported in the New York Times last December. This data mentions that the object was seen to descend in a few seconds from thousands of feet in altitude to fifty feet above the ocean. This rapid descent would have created a sonic boom that went directly down, just as we theorized in our story. It was also said that the object was observed to become invisible to the human eye.
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Since the publication of Afterlife Revolution, contact with Anne has become more and more frequent and prolific. She is telling me that I have been too careful when it comes to reporting these events, so from now on I will be reporting on them more frequently and in more detail.
I’m going to give a presentation at Contact in the Desert about everything that has happened since we published the Afterlife Revolution, and after that will publish a series of journal entries about them.
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