The reality of the president’s visit to Africa is very different from what is appearing in the American press, now openly controlled by tacit agreement between the big corporations that own it and the government. This letter is from an ordinary Senegalese, who witnessed the president’s visit personally, and reports on what actually happened in his country.

Dearest friends,

As you probably know, this week George Bush is visiting Africa. Starting with Senegal, he arrived this morning at 7.20 AM and left at 1:30 PM. This visit has been such an ordeal that a petition is being circulated for this Tuesday July 8th be named Dependency Day.

Let me share with you what we have been through since last week.
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Why is Baghdad suffering This question is on everybody’s lips. Electricity, we have heard, has been restored in all other towns. Only Baghdad is being denied this basic life support. As the heat increases, so does the desperation and bitterness of the people.
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Michael C. Ruppert, at From The Wilderness, quotes Paul Krugman, who wrote in June 24 The New York Times:

“There is no longer any serious doubt that Bush administration officials deceived us into war. The key question now is why so many influential people are in denial, unwilling to admit the obvious…But even people who aren’t partisan Republicans shy away from confronting the administration’s dishonest case for war, because they don’t want to face the implications…
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A. J. Gevaerd, Brazilian MUFON Director, offers this response to Linda Moulton Howe and her defense of the Urandir Oliveira case in Brazil, and U.S. researcher Richard Dolan’s defense of Ms. Howe.

The Brazilian Bedsheet Abduction Case, by A.J. Gaevard

I have worked for years on this case, and my belief is that it is a total hoax. Please observe that it goes much, much deeper than most people can figure out.
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