I am Joseph B. Padilla, SR. I live in Pensacola, Florida – U.S.A. I am the Brother of Ben Charles Padilla Jr. He is suspected to be the Pilot of the Missing Boeing 727 Plane that left the Airport in Angola on May 25 2003. I am tring to reach news organizations to help me locate anyone that has seen or heard anything about this missing plane or my brother.

I appeared on ABC’s Good Morning Amercia with my Sister Benita Padilla-Kirkland on June 19 2003 in hopes to get the story out and to locate my brother. We both also appeared on CNN’s Morning show, American Morning, on June 24 2003.

Here is what I have so far about the story.
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Paranormal researcher Bill Knell offers this recollection of an extraordinary conversation with famed newsman Walter Cronkite. Read the story below and visit Bill’s website, the Unexplained.
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You have two cows.

Your neighbor has none.

You feel guilty for being successful.

You vote people into office that put a tax on your cows, forcing you to sell one to raise money to pay the tax.

The people you voted for then take the tax money, buy a cow and give it to your neighbor.

You feel righteous.

Barbara Streisand sings for you.


You have two cows.

The government takes one and gives it to your neighbor.

You form a cooperative to tell him how to manage his cow.


You have two cows.

Your neighbor has none.



You have two cows.read more