As part of our series of new Communion Letters, we present the experiences of Mort, who had childhood adventures with ETs that left him with a mind that works differently than other peoples brains.

He writes: [As a child], I was ‘visited’ at least 3 times that I can remember. I made the mistake of sharing and asking my parents after one of the visits. A very bad idea. They are both dead now. I remember that they went absolutely nuts The field or landing site was immediately outside my bedroom window to the north. It would never grow anything after these visitsWe had grown concord grapes, corn, tomatoes, squash, etc. during WWII in our victory gardenI [now] live about 25 miles from this property and it is still barren.
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As part of our ongoing series of new Communion Letters, “Jeremy” talks about his own meeting with the Master of the Key.

He writes: I had an experience with my girlfriend during the summer of 1997 that she remembers as a dream and I remember as something a little more like a visitor experience, though not a bad one. I think it may have been similar to your Key experience. She remembers waking up and seeing me sitting on the couch, talking to a man. She doesnt remember much else, except that she saw him levitate two books off my bookshelf and float them to him, and some stuff he said about not letting money change me.
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As part of our ongoing series of new Communion Letters, “Jason” remembers being with a group of other campers who were led in a strange night time chantas a UFO slowly rose up into the sky.
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As part of our series of new Communion Letters, “Eileen from Seattle” writes: An incident you wrote about in Transformation is almost identical to something that happened to me a few years ago. You described how you had been bragging about your home and your books, when a voice spoke in your head, saying, “Arrogance! I can do what I wish to you.” When she bragged about healing herself, she received the same sort of reprimand. She also met a troublesome alien named “Jack.”
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