Whitley’s explosive new book Them is now available on Kindle and in paperback. It will be published in hardcover and as an audiobook read by Whitley as soon as possible. Them is not about his personal experiences, but rather offers completely new insight into close encounter, both civilian and military. It also discusses the long struggle the military has had with the phenomenon, and reveals for the first time a clear explanation of exactly what insiders are working on in response to this provocative presence in human life.

In the preface, Mitch Horowitz calls it the most important book on the subject since Jacques Vallee published Passport to Magonia in 1969, and in his foreword, Dr. Vallee says that it “cites fact after fact to build the case for in-depth realignment of public policy with public need.” An in-depth analysis of eleven close encounter stories reveals that the experience is far beyond anything ever discussed before anywhere, and a deep dive into the military side of the equation makes a strong case that there have been hostilities between US armed forces and UFOs since the 1940s, and that military personnel have suffered the consequences.

John Alexander, Leslie Kean, Colm Kelleher, George Knapp, Diana Walsh Pasulka, Hal Puthoff and Jim Semivan have all written reviews in support of the book, and Jeff Kripal has added an afterword that discusses his communications with Whitley during the writing of the book when he was forced by some horrendous and extremely bizarre assaults to leave the country in order to continue writing.

Them will shake the world of UAP and close encounter studies as no book ever has. To learn more and get the book via our Amazon link, click here.

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  1. I received my copy this morning, and am really looking forward to reading it.

    Thanks, Whit!

  2. WOOOHOOO I AM SO EXCITED TO READ THIS! I actually looked this book up yesterday on my Hoopla app and couldn’t find it. Now I know why it just came out!

    Actually should I be reading new world first before them?? I already read Communion of course just haven’t gotten to new world yet! (Especially bc my local Library doesn’t have a great extraterrestrial section lol) but I have them in my shopping cart to buy just want to make sure before I do! Thank you Whitley! You’re amazing as always ❣️

  3. I finished my first reading, the analysis and ponderings an important exercise on display.

    I had a question on an undetailed statement made a few times, asserting the Gray abduction project was over. Can you expand on this point?

    I hope you are among those called upon to
    testify before Congress…..this work provides
    a valuable briefing.

  4. Author

    There isn’t any statistical information on the subject at all that speaks to the rate of abductions. However, over the past 10 years, we have received fewer and fewer reports of this phenomenon. The last report of a recent objection that we received was in 2021. There are still many cases where witnesses who were originally abductees are in contact. I am myself such a witness. But as to classic abductions, they have become very rarely reported, and I don’t think one or two occasional reports is an indication that therefore the whole program is still active.

  5. So excited for the new book Whitley, ordered on kindle but wondering if we can pre-order hard copies and will you be signing any?

    Thanks Dawna

  6. One possibility regarding fewer reports could be the MILABS angle, projects ARTICHOKE and MKULTRA. They may have simply perfected the technology so there are no memory leakages.
    Better redaction of short term recall, and better screen memory techniques.

    That would perhaps be consistent with an advancing technology on our part

    1. US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century – Ancillary Volume, Scientific Advisory Board (USAF), Washington, DC, Document #19960618040, 1996, pp. 89-90. EPI402.

      Prior to the mid-21st century, there will be a virtual explosion of knowledge in the field of neuroscience. We will have achieved a clear understanding of how the human brain works, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it can be manipulated (both positively and negatively). One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be,

      pulsed, shaped, and focused
      that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements
      control emotions (and thus actions)
      produce sleep
      transmit suggestions
      interfere with both short-term and long-term memory
      produce an experience set
      delete an experience set

  7. Just like everyone else I am chomping at the bit to read this new release. I shall take it to work with me and enjoy Mr Strieber’s insights as I go about my business around the UK.

    Thank you for releasing this. I’ve found myself, of late, malnourished for small details that so often seem to be missed in this area. I frequently listen to ‘Stories from a Life’ in the subscriber area and this new release will keep me both topped up on information connection and inspiration.

    Bless you all.


  8. Blown away so far. I’ve read everything you’ve written on this I believe Whitley… but I found some items written in by others that have extremely close parallels to several of my experiences. I’ve never seen that before. 1/3 of the way through… and I’ll definitely be reading more than once.

  9. I just got my copy, which I plan to read on vacation in May, so please, no spoilers!

  10. Enjoying the Kindle, can’t wait for the audiobook. Thank you, as always.

  11. Author

    It’s finished and at Audible. Should be live pretty soon.

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