The powerful earthquake that rocked central Mexico on September 19 caused a phenomenon dubbed a “desert tsunami” almost 3,000 kilometers north of the epicenter in the U.S. state of Nevada. The magnitude 7.7 earthquake that rocked central Mexico on September 19 caused an effect christened a ‘desert tsunami’ thousands of kilometers northread more

  Astronomers in Ukraine have discovered an undeniable presence of ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ in addition to the Russian warplanes criss-crossing the besieged nation’s skies.  This is apparently a common occurrence in the airspace over Ukraine’s Capital city Kyiv—although the UAP often move too quickly to be captured on normal filmread more

Could there be a singular intelligence speaking to us through symbolic events that we interpret as paranormal? “Vuk,” from the Tracing Owls podcast, says yes—and that it is likely Earth herself. On this edition of Dreamland, we talk Gaia Theory with a man whose educational background in biology led himread more

There has been a huge cottage industry built up around Nazi occultism, but what was really going on? Did they believe in occult practices and magic, or just use them as tools to inspire people to do, in the end, some of the most terrible things ever done to humanread more