Ed Conroy joins us in this fascinating discussion on his book of investigative journalism: Report on Communion.  New Observations and Ed discuss how he came to research and interview numerous subjects on Whitley Strieber’s life and ET experiences as well as Ed’s own first-hand account of spending time at the Strieber cabin in the woods of New York State.

Ed joined us earlier for Part One of this interview, linked HERE.  


Ed Conroy is the author of “Report on ‘Communion,’” (Morrow, 1989; Avon, 1990), the result of his year-long investigation into the life, literary work, and extraordinary experiences of Whitley Strieber.  A fourth-generation native of San Antonio, he is a former arts and culture reporter and urban affairs columnist for the San Antonio Express-News. Educated at California Institute of the Arts– where he began his lifelong study of Chinese martial arts–as well as the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico and the University of Texas at San Antonio, he is a fully bilingual and bicultural witness to the unique cultural and political currents of the US-Mexico borderlands. 

He has written, in Spanish, on the UFO phenomenon and crop circle phenomena for Mas Alla de la Ciencia of Barcelona, Spain.  For the past 23 years, he has served as Director of Development for Southwest School of Art in San Antonio.  He is the proud father of Brigid Irene Conroy, a recent graduate of Harvard Divinity School.  He is at work on a historical novel set in San Antonio, Chihuahua, and Mexico City during the years of the Mexican Revolution.  For the past three decades, he has been a student of the Builders of the Adytum (www.bota.org).

Here’s a recent interview with Ed titled: Reflections on five decades of anomalies–local and global, linked HERE.

Ed be happy to respond to correspondence at this email address: econroy53@gmail.comread more

The Pentagon’s declassified report on UFOs may be due to be delivered to Congress later this month, but as to what this presentation might contain—and what it may ultimately affect—has been the subject of speculation: how far down the rabbit hole will the Defense Department’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force go while revealingread more