Global warming may have pushed Greenland’s ice sheets past a tipping point, with the island having lost ice from its glaciers faster than snowfall could replenish them over the past two decades, according to a new study. Although this trend is expected to worsen as global temperatures increase, the researchersread more

The amazing Laird Scranton returns to Dreamland with Primal Wisdom of the Ancients. We go back to Gobekli Tepe, to Egypt, to Sumeria and even deeper to find out what the past has to tell us now. We discover that, thousands of years ago at Skara Brae in Scotland thereread more

Andras Jones is an actor, musician, podcaster, author—and synchromystic. He began broadcasting Radio8Ball on KAOS in Olympia in 1998, this is a pop-music oracle, a hip musical divination with a live audience. A question is asked, and like musical tarot card, a song is picked at random. Within the lyrics isread more